8. " He claimed you. Simple"

Start from the beginning

" Why ?" I breathed out and he sat there staring at me . 
" For the love of god , why did you fvcking kiss me Wade ? " I yelled and he breathed out his rage. 
" Don't yell at me . " He looked fierce and for a moment and I stared at him . 
" Don't yell at you ?! Who do you think you are ?! why did you kiss me when you fvcking hate me ?! why .." I jabbed my finger on his chest slowly and my eyes brimmed with tears . 
" How can you kiss me when you move around throwing me out and yelling at me ?! " I yelled again , sniffing.

" I want you . " He breathed out slowly , staring at me . 
" You want me ? You fvcking want me ? " I stared at him in disbelief while he nodded . 
" What am I ? A property to be owned?You don't need me , You want me ! "And that's when i broke down . I have never cried in front of anyone , not even when i was bullied and made fun of my shape. Crying is for the weak and that was what held me together without breaking down , i had to be strong . He doesn't need me just wants me . I stood up and moved towards the door and that's when the pain shoot up through my leg and I whimpered in pain as a piece of glass pierced through my foot. Suddenly he  was by my side holding me so that i won't end up falling on the glass pieces .

" Jackie ! " I shot my eyes open upon hearing Naoh's voice as he stood there watching me . I bit my lip , stopping myself from crying out loud . I removed myself from Wade and limped towards Noah . He met me half way and held me tight  . I cried onto his chest ,clutching his shirt as he tightened his grip on me .
" Come on , We'll get that treated . " He whispered and i nodded slowly .  I turned my head a bit to look at Wade . He was staring at me with that same look on his face ,when we woke up together  in same bed that morning .  His eyes were glassy as if he was in deep thought and sighing , i made my way for the door with Noah as he held me tight against his chest . 

" Am sorry . " I stood there stunned and after a moment , Noah squeezed my arm assuring me what i heard was real . 

Wade really apologized . 

I nodded at him as I exited his room and we went to Noah's room . This was a good start even though I got myself hurt . I slowly touched my lips and i felt it swollen, I smiled to myself as i wiped my tears off . 
" I saw it back there . " Noah winked and I felt my cheeks heat up .
" I don't understand anything Einstein. Why would he - " He cut me off
" He claimed you . Simple. " He chuckled and I rose my eyebrow at him.

" I'm no fucking wolf to be claimed!" I yelled back , breathing hard. 

" Easy there wolfie . " He chuckled as he placed me down on his bed . Huffing , i sat there as he worked his magic on my foot . 

" You're good at this . " I winked as he laughed out . 
" Am a Future doctor Jackie . " Smiling at him , I sat there thinking about Wade . He Claimed me ? Why would he do that ? 

" Because , he saw you getting close to me and being the possessive  jerk he is,he wanted to mark his territory so that I would stay away from you . But I won't do that , instead I'll bring him to the point were he'll just loose his patience and confront you . " He grinned at me , as I sat there letting every word he said to sink . 

" Why would Wade do that ? You're his younger brother . He wouldn't want to hurt you . "
" He is just two minute elder than me . " He raised an eyebrow and I gaped at him .
" You're his Twin ? No way" He nodded as he grinned back at me . 

"Why didn't you tell me that ?" He just shrugged in response . 
" And you both look totally different ! " I shrieked and he guffawed in laughter , clutching his stomach .
" what's so funny smartass? " I quirked my eyebrow and he sighed dramatically with a pained expression.
" Sometimes I worry for you my Jackie . Your brain would be worth millions . " 

" Quit the sarcasm Einstein . " I rolled my eyes at him as he chuckled .

" Am his step brother . Jackie . But of same age  and born on same day . " He chuckled winking at me .

" Stop flirting , dimwit " I shoved his shoulder and he squeezed my foot in return making me scream in pain . 

" This is flirting for you ? God , then i could guess that you would categorize actual flirting as sexual harassment . " He chuckled and i glared playfully at him and soon my glare turned to full blown laughter . 

You're not that bad Einstein .


" Can you please Shut The Fuck up you nincompoop ! " I shrieked and tried to lunge at the dickhead sitting across from me with a smug look . 

" Why soph ? Did i struck a nerve there ? " His smirk widened as he took in my lost look . 

"No . Archer shut up . Don't you have to go for any one night stands ? " I raised my eyebrow at him and responded with a chuckle . 

" Now we're going Off topic Soph . " Sighing I sipped my espresso while glaring at him . 

" That topic has nothing to be kept discussing about . That was just heat of the moment.  " Sighing , i leaned back to my chair.

" You two kissing, does mean something right ? " He sat , glaring at his espresso. 

" Why does it bother you ?! " I glared at him as he kept staring at his espresso. 

" Because I - "

" Hey you little munchkins . " I turned my head to see Annie standing beside our table, grinning .
" Hey bitch.  " Archer chuckled at a grinning Anne .
" Shut up you nincompoop . " Smiling she sat beside me and took a sip from my espresso .
" That was ... yuck " she made a disgusted face and leaned back onto her chair. 
" Don't insult it   " Glaring at her ,I drank my espresso.
" So what's the topic for discussion here ? " She stared at my face and then looked at Archer. 
He raised his hands in mock surrender. 
" Whatever it is , forget it because I want you to meet someone!  " She giggled and took out her phone, dialing some digits and waited for the other person to pick up .

"Hey come on in ! they would be pleased to meet you love !"she exclaimed onto the phone.

"Love ?" Me and Archie stared at her confused .
Soon the door squeaked open . Because of the sunshine  couldn't see his face and as he neared the table , he stopped abruptly ,staring at me And i stared back at him ,mouth wide open .

"Einstein !?!"

"Jackie ?! "

"Wait.. What ?!" Annie stared at us confused .



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