14; What she doing here?

Começar do início

Hearing someone knock on the main door to the mansion I snapped my head up trying to listen out but I couldn't hear a heartbeat.

I quickly placed my laptop on Nik's side of the bed before I got myself up, with a little struggle, and just as I was about to open the bedroom door I heard a voice I haven't heard in a while.

"Is she here?"

My eyes widened before I quickly opened the door and hobbled towards the top of the stairs.

As I stood there my eyes widened seeing Damon and Stefan stood there, I was just about to rush over to them but my eyes landed on the doppelgänger.

"What's she doing here?"

They all snapped their heads towards me. "Uh..." Damon trailed of scratching the back of his neck.

I looked the 3 of them over and the first thing I noticed was Elena was no longer a human, the second been that she was stood quite close to Damon instead of Stefan.

"Let me guess she's now your doppelgänger girlfriend, Damon" I rolled my eyes as I made my way down the stairs slowly.

"I did say you were a lot like Katerina" I chuckled at Elena.

"I'm not Katherine" Elena snapped making me chuckle while Stefan, Nik, Kol, Bekah, Elijah, Henrik and Finn glared at her.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?" I asked as I got to the bottom of the stairs standing next to Nik.

"We just thought we'd come and see you" Stefan shrugged giving me a small smile.

"Okay" I shrugged looking at them both, not knowing exactly how to act right now. The last time I saw them was back in Mystic Falls when we found out I wasn't a Salvatore.

A lots changed since then.

"Shall we all go take a seat in the sitting room?" I looked over at Lijah who was stood holding his hand out towards the seating room.

We all followed behind Lijah towards the sitting room I felt awkward and I didn't like it. I'm in my house for crying out loud.

"Your house is nice" Elena spoke as she sat down looking around the room. "Liana's creation" Kol shrugged winking at me.

"Liana?" Damon asked confused. "Yeah, that would be me" I waved my hand a little making them look at me like I was crazy.

"What?" Stefan asked totally clueless.

"Yeah, I guess I should explain" I mumbled as I sat back in my seat. "That'd be a good idea" Damon nodded.

"Well to cut a long story short, I found my parents who are still alive with the rest of my family. I found out that my real name is Aemiliana Luna I was born in 1303 I'm over 700 years old. I have a twin brother Atticus. Oh and I'm an Immortal Vampire, Witch, Werewolf"

Once I finished roughly telling them about myself the 3 of them was looking at me like I was crazy.

"How could you have been born in the 1300's? You were a baby with Damon and Stefan" I flicked my eyes over to Elena glaring at her.

"I turned myself into a baby, along with my brother"

Damon looked a little hurt, no doubt because I was calling someone else my brother even though he used to have the role of an older twin brother.

"Why?" Stefan asked looking confused.

""Why did I turn myself into a baby again?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Yeah"

"Well my Grandmother was a bitch" I shrugged and I think they thought I was joking until they realised none of us was smiling about it.

"Wait. Your grandmother made you turn yourself young again?" Damon asked.

"Not exactly. We did it to protect our family, to let them be free for a while. Me and Atticus are the definition of abominations. We were born as Immortal Hybrids. With and Werewolf. My grandmother didn't exactly approve and created a bunch of people to kill us" I shrugged.

They didn't really understand but I didn't exactly want to drag them into my problems they have their own if their sticking around the doppelganger.

"You're getting big now" Damon mussed as I stood up so I could get a glass from the little bar thing we had in here.

"Yeah well I will be since I'm carrying 2 Mikaelson's" I grumbled as I walked over to Nik with the glass in my hand. "I need some blood"

He smirked at me before biting into his writ and letting his blood drop into the glass. "Why are you drinking his blood?" Elena asked in disgust.

"Because I need to if I want me and my children to survive. Never heard about blood sharing eh?" I smirked looking over at Damon who was glaring at me.

"How have you 2 not shared blood yet? It's very erotic for vampires" 

The look I got from my 2 brothers from another family I knew it was going to be a long couple of days, or however long they're staying here.

A/N - I'm so sorry thats its took so long for this update and that its quite short but ive been really busy these past couple of weeks with the end of the course coming to an end and getting a job ready for my next and final year at college.
I thought you guys deserved an update for been so patient with me. 

If anyone has anything they would like me to try and add while the Salvatore brothers are visitng let me know and ill se what i can do.

Revelations X Klaus MikaelsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora