Chapter 8

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Ali's POV

Today is the day, moving day. I felt myself being gently shaken awake.

"Good morning baby, just thought I'd let you know it's 9:30, I made you some coffee, it's just there." Adam said, stroking my face. I opened my eyes and he smiled at me.

"Good morning." I smiled. He kissed me.

"Danny's gonna be here soon baby okay?" He said.

"Okay, I'll get dressed." I said.

"Okay baby I'll leave you to it." He smiled.

He left the room and I got dressed into leggings and I couldn't find the hoodie I wanted to wear.

"Ad?!" I yelled.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked.

"Have you seen my grey adidas jumper?" I asked.

"Wear mine princess, I think I took yours down with my washing earlier baby." He said.

"Okay thank you." I said.

I put his adidas hoodie on and put my hair in a messy bun, I did my makeup and my teeth. Adam came upstairs with a suitcase and put the rest of our clothes in.

"Okay, all packed baby." He smiled. He took the last suitcase out to his car.

"Babe I just realise something." I said.

"Yes baby?" He asked.

"That furniture you ordered, how will it fit like through the front door?" I asked.

"It's flat pack baby, some of our current furniture though we're gonna have to take apart and put back together because it won't fit." He said.

"Okay." I smiled.

"It's fucking boiling today, I'm gonna die." Adam said.

"Bit far babe." I chuckled.

"You know I'm one to exaggerate." He smiled.

Adams's dad got here and so did Danny and he'd brought his girlfriend Sofie, she's also my bestfriend. The removal truck arrived about half an hour later.

Adam ended up taking his top off because he was too hot so I put it in his car and they started to lift stuff out with the removal men.

Sofie and I packed all the plates and breakable things, no way could we trust the boys with something like that, they'd cause chaos.

"I've actually got some news." I smiled.

"You're having a baby." She smiled.

"How did you know?!" I beamed.

"1. You're my bestfriend, and 2. You have a bump my dear." Sofie chuckled.

"Well I'm four months gone, and we're really excited." I smiled.

"I can't wait, this baby is just gonna be so cute!" She smiled.

She's my bestfriend, I knew she'd be happy for me!

We finish bubble wrapped everything and placing it in boxes. I lifted up one of the boxes and the bottom of it split, cause all the cups to fall out and smash on the floor.

"FUCK!" I yelled as I was barefoot.

Adam rushed in.

"Shit! Baby what happened?" He asked.

"The cups are all broken." I said.

"The cups don't matter, you okay?" He asked.

"Think so." I smiled. I walked over to the other boxes but Adam lifted me onto the counter.

"There's blood everywhere baby, don't move, Sofie are you wearing shoes yeah? You're okay?" Adam asked.

"Yeah don't worry I'm fine, I've got some plasters in my bag hold on.

Sofie came back and Adam put a plaster on my foot, his dad cleaned up all the glass and Danny helped him.

"No more lifting boxes for you okay? We've talked about this." He smiled, placing his hands on my waist and kissing me.

"Okay, we're gonna need to buy more cups." I said, Adam and I both chuckled.

"I'll go get some later baby, we'll lift these boxes out okay?" Adam said.

"Okay." I said.

He took my hands and helped me down from the counter and kissed me again before lifting a box and taking it out to the removal lorry. The place was starting to look super empty, and three hours later, everything was packed.

Danny and Sofie left as they had things to do but Adam's dad followed us to the house to help out. We dropped the keys off and went to the new house. When we got there we already had a plan to get everything unpacked today so we had to get on with it quite quickly. Adam, his dad and the removers lifted everything into the house and put it all in the correct rooms, and the the removal people left. We decided how we wanted all the furniture and the boys moved it as I couldn't. By the time that was all done it was around 2pm.

"Thanks for your help dad." Adam said.

"Yeah thank you." I smiled.

"No problem, call me and mum if you need anything son. Good to see you Ali." He smiled. His dad left and Adam embraced me in a huge hug.

"This is our home baby. Isn't it beautiful?" He said, looking down at me.

"It's gorgeous. You've been amazing today." I smiled, looking up to him. He kissed me softly and I kissed back.

"Let's unpack okay?" He said.

"Yeah." I smiled.

We started with the living room and put the sofa cushions and blankets out and the photos and decorations. We then did the kitchen which didn't take long, and we did the bathroom and our bedroom. It was only a small house but it was absolutely perfect for us.

At around 7 I started to put all our clothes in the wardrobe.

"Baby what do you want from Zizi's?" He asked.

"Usual please babe." I smiled.

"Alright baby." He smiled.

He came back in and helped me hang his clothes up.

"All done." I said, shutting the wardrobe door.

"I'll build the baby stuff tomorrow okay baby?" He said.

"Okay." I smiled, laying down on the bed. Adam laid next to me and placed his hand on my leg.

"You know what's gonna be shit?" He asked.

"What babe?" I asked.

"Five months of no sex." He said, I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god!" I chuckled.

"But it'll be worth it, because in the end, we're gonna get a beautiful baby." He smiled.

"You're so sweet." I smiled. He kissed me and there was a knock at the door. Adam went to get it.

"Baby dinners down here!" He said.

"Coming, two seconds." I said, putting some fluffy socks on.

I went downstairs and Adam handed me my dinner.

"Thanks gorgeous." I smiled, kissing him.

We ate and I washed up whilst he took the empty boxes outside.

I finally think we've got everything sorted. And with our little baby on the way, life couldn't get better...

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