Hey gentle man
wait a minute
You pray for my failure

sorry i have no problem shit
mo money mo problem shit
i know, feel like ㅎ tony montana
i know, feel like ㅎ tony montana
i know, feel like ㅎ tony montana
i know, feel like ㅎ tony montana

Yoongi or should I say Agust D as rapping while the crowd were screaming loudly as if they saw their idol. The words flied out of his mouth as if the world depended on it. I just stood there in a small corner, isolated from the loud people.

Agust D's expression was skilled while he performed. It seemed as if the knew how to act on stage since his childhood. He skillfully rolled the words over his tongue without inhaling once.

Whilst he turned around while rapping, his head came into the direction of where I was standing and faster than the wind did his expression change. His harsh and somber expression softened almost immediately when his gaze fell on me.

Yet he still succeeded in finishing his performance and skillfully throwing the mic on the floor which produced a loud sound.

Yoongi looked one last time into my direction to see if he actually was dreaming or not but much to his displeasure, he didn't saw you. He frowned and quickly got off the stage to search for you. He was one hundred percent sure that you were standing there in the black hoodie you once wore to sneak out and come to his battle.

He quickly pushed past people and searched around for you but didn't found your small form. He ran his hand through his hair and decided to search further for you but just as he was about to take a step he felt a small and gentle touch on his shoulder. Without hesitation and full expectation he turned around to be met by you.

"(Y/N)" your name fell beautifully from his mouth as he stared down at you. Without thinking twice he encircled his arms around your figure and pushed you into his chest as his chin rested atop of your hairline.

You stayed a few moments like that, allthough you felt slightly uncomfortable and shy you stayed tightly in his warm embrace.

"(Y/N), I'm truly s-sorry for yelling at you...I-I didn't mean it-"

"Yoongi, we have you get out of here" You abruptly interrupted him when he let you go and started to apologize. He thought he'll be quiet and apologize after you two would get out of here but the words left his mouth faster than a train on the railways.

"What? Why?" He asked but got pushed by you into the exit.

"We have to get out of here before-"

"(Y/N)!" Two voices sounded at the same time and before I could comprend what was happening a hand ripped me off Yoongi.

"What are you doing here!?" Mom's voice ringed into my ears as I felt my heartbeat increasing until the beating was to be heard in my ears.

"I-I..." you were at loss of words. Yoongi was standing before you and got pushed back by your dad.

"That guy, again?" Dad looked pissed off and tried to give Yoongi cold glares but they were nothing compared to Yoongi's so he backed away to stand next to me.

"Do you have any explication!?" Mom raised her voice and soon almost everyone's eyes were fixated on us. Yoongi clenched his jaw at how your parents were treating you in front of everyone.

"None?" Mother asked angrily. My head was spinning and I started to sweat as everyone approached us. You hated crowed places and coming here was a bad idea but it was worth it because Yoongi and you talk to each other again.

"We're taking you home" dad's words were loud and I almost fainted as people were staring at us. Yoongi noticed your posture and knew why you were acting like that. All he wanted to do was take your hand and pull you from everyone in here, pull you to a place where only you and him could enjoy each other's presence without fearing and feeling uncomfortable about others.

"I don't want to" you protested but got pushed to the exit by no other than your parents self. Yoongi panicked and tried to reach out for you but he got pushed away by your dad.

"I've already warned yet you, the next one will be one you'll never forget" Yoongi got mad but tried to stay cool as your father turned around to get out.
"Fucking shit" Yoongi cursed and ran his hand through his hair.


"I don't want to! Bring me back to their!" You screamed and knocked furiously on the window of the car.

"No you'll come home, I thought you'll never do something like that!" Mom screamed back.

"It's my life and not yours so bring me back to him" you fired back in the backseat. Dad only give you glances from the mirror in the luxurious car I was sitting in.

"That guy has a bad influence on you" dad talked for the first time we entered the car.

"You don't know anything about me nor him" you crossed your arms in front of you and looked out of the window. The dark night sky was so beautiful and the moon kept following our car as if it didn't want to leave me. I'm a lunatic afterall.

"We don't care. You'll not leave the house for the upcoming months" I totally ignored her words and focused on myself and how badly I wanted to run away from home.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do...

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