This is as Normal as it Gets

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Normal? What does the word normal make you think of? It makes me think of my parents, my life before I found out that I am the one and only destined person to save the universe and life as we know it, no pressure. My life has been hectic train wreck for the last 5 months while I've been hidden at a special camp for the gifted. I am on the "run" from a warlock that took my parents lives and will stop at nothing to get to me because I am a part of some ancient prophecy, personally I think that some of these people have ingested too much of the 'fun' special herbs. I was sent to this 'special' school and found out something that changed my world.


"Evelyn Brooks don't make me come up there and get you up!" My mother yelled from down stairs. I swear that women will give me a heart attack one day. Granted I should get up it's just... the morning? I heard the clicks and clanks of her shoes echoing in the hollowed wood and creaking in the old oak stair case, and I instantly jump up at the sound nothing good ever came from when my mother came upstairs. There are few people that I truly fear in this world, however, she is one of them hands down! She has the power of a thousand suns and the wrath of the titans! There's a lot of piled up anger built in her average 5'4 figure.

"Coming mom!" I say even though I know that she'll still come raging in like a mad man anyway. "Lady give me a break," I mumble under my breath. I ran to my closet, and grabbed the first thing that caught my eye; that's the best that it's going to get considering if I'm not dressed my mom will blow up on me considering she's been "waking" me up for an hour and a half. Sorry not sorry. We're talking atomic bomb blow. I ended up grabbing my blue, purple, and white fade shirt with my black felt jean skirt. I made it in record time only around 2 minutes to spare and on my way out I saw that my mom was leaning in my door way with an amused look on her face.

"Honey...," she broke out in a fit of laughter before she could finish her sentence. "You're a hot mess sweet heart!" I then remembered that I had forgotten to put back my picture frame. When I was in grade school I had an epic crush on a boy in my class named Ryder. He had the perfect jaw, pearl white teeth, and a smile that made my heart melt. I snuck a photo of him in my homeroom class. I then printed it and pleaded my mom to get me a rainbow, heart, shimmery and shiny, buckling sapphire blue bedazzled beaded picture frame. I put his picture in it and borrowed my moms lipstick to plant kisses all over the glass. It was one of my weaker moments in life I'll admit. Now he's my biology class and enjoys staring at girls cleavage while hitting on his teachers. That's what the male population has come to...all boys are immature toddlers!! My childhood crush ended the same day that it began when he stole my juice box at lunch recess but much to my despair I had already made the picture. My mom insisted I keep it as a keepsake when in reality she's just going to give to me in my wedding day and tell me I upgraded after giving an embarrassing speech on my behalf. Lovely women, right? That's my mom indeed, but I love her. I accidentally left it out when looking for clothes. I dive bombed for the picture and threw it back in my closet. My face was as red as a ripe tomato.

"Mom," I said with a pointed determined look in my eyes. She looked at me with a glint in her eyes. She was about ready to fall apart. I gave her another look and she quickly sobered up. Her smile stayed but the urge to laugh slowly dissipated from her eyes as I glared with fake anger and as a smile danced in my eyes.

"What? I have no clue what you're talking about." I nodded in agreement then I looked at her waiting for her to do something. I waited and waited. I began to tap my toe impatiently, arms crossed.

"Mom..." She just stared at me blinking. Then her eyes lit up in realization and she laughed.

"I was told to remind you breakfast in 5. Dear, you forgot your shoes."  I looked down at my feet and sure enough I was rocking the open toed, pale skinned, barefoot look indeed.

I nodded gratefully as she made her leave back down the stairs. I turned relaxing my shoulders, sighed, and began my scavenger hunt for the perfect shoes. I opened my closet and grunted as I saw that the picture was still visible. I hastily grabbed it and tossed it back in the bin it came from. I had bought a pair of soft snow white flats. The way the strap wrapped around my sun kissed ankles was perfect. I slipped them on around my coral colored nails. Looking at my reflection I decided to go with a simple side pony tail which hugged the top of my elf ears, or at least that's what my mom calls them because of their idly triangular shape. I embrace my elfishness and always joke about belonging in nature and how we should buy one of those fancy tree houses so I may embrace my true habitat, needless to say I haven't found my true place in life yet, especially without the 20 foot high treehouse with working electric, a heated jacuzzi, with a built in library, where you go and get lost in the words as they dance and shimmy around the room and in your mind, but one can always dream. Though last time I only got one no instead of twenty, I think she's learning to ignore me, as I asked her ten times. Anyway, I grabbed my silver earrings and blue feather necklace on the way down stairs as to not look like I just rolled out of bed. My dad was the cook in my family while my mom helped sometimes but, we worry when she decides to grab the spatula because last time nearly burned down the house. That was nearly 11 years ago, but we never let her love it down!


"Hun would you mind putting the pizza in for me while I take Evie to the park for a little while." I was bouncing up and down for joy because that meant I got to go down the super-super magnificent twisty silver slide (Or S.D.M.T.S.S for short)  at the tippy top of the playground.

"Sure, but fair warning the pepperoni may be a little crisp around the edges." He kissed her passionately before grabbing my hand and walking me outside. I made a face at them because they were kissing...each other...on the mouth! Ewww! That's what grown-ups and old people do!

We had only left for a while but when we came back we saw smoke coming from the back window. I didn't know any different, I figured it was bond-fire night or something but the way my dad's face changed in a fraction of a second I knew she didn't want any marshmallows. He ran around to the back and I followed being the nosy 6 year old I was. I heard a wailing cry coming from the ceiling. Dad ran in and found my mom standing in a chair waving at the smoke alarm. She looked like she had just run a marathon. Her hair was stuck to her forehead while the rest was pulled back into a messy pony tail. She was breathing heavy and fanning at the ceiling. My dad ran to her side and checked to see if she was alright He grabbed the pizza out of the oven when she pointed. I went to the back and opened the widow to help get rid of the smoke and blew the smoke towards the window, like on a cold winter night cooling the soup down before burning your mouth.

Five minutes later the alarm finally went off and I found out that she had left the pizza in too long. She almost burned down the house while making pizza. My dad and I sat down exhausted in the couch then almost died of laughter in the process. My mom just glared at us but soon enough was laughing too.           

(End of flashback)

"Hun you're going to be tardy if your don't leave soon." My father told me as I exited the stair way.

"I know and that's why we'll have to reschedule this amazing breakfast." I muttered while walking towards the counter.

I grabbed an apple on my way out along with my keys and purse. I walked around the counter to hug my dad bye then mom. I reached the front door and grabbed the gold knob, turned around and yelled, "See you both after school. Love you!"

I walked to old rinky-dinky Chevy and threw my back pack in the back. I started the engine and watched her purr to life. It's not the best but it gets me to where I need to go and I love her for that. The drive to school was uneventful except for when I almost hit a poor cat. I smiled to myself as I entered the parking lot to the cages of hell...I mean school. Today is going to be different, not sure what today is going to bring.

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