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Once, six year old, Addisyn Lee, was but a lonely orphan girl. She had been orphaned for nearly two years. Her mum and dad had been taken from her forever. All because of one fatal choice, that they had made. All because her daddy chose to get behind the wheel, after he had too much to drink, their lives were forever changed. The tragic accident had claimed both of her parents' lives. Little Addisyn had been in the vehicle with them when it all happened. Her dad had been going way too fast and he missed the curve, which sent their vehicle crashing into a ditch. Miraculously, the little girl had escaped with just a few minor bumps and bruises. That situation had been nothing short of a miracle from God. Thankfully, she had been strapped in her carseat. It was very hard for a young child to have to go through. Addy tried to be as brave as a six year old could be.

Addisyn did not have any other relatives who were willing to care for her, so she was placed in foster care. She would have been hopeless..If it wasn't for one person who had stepped in her life. Addisyn's dad, Brandon, was a childhood friend of none other than the famous Pop singer (and former One Direction member) Harry Styles. Addisyn was fairly aware of who he was. But, she had some connection with him before all of the fame. However, the last time that Harry had seen Addy was when she only a year old. Addy really loved her 'Uncle' Harry's music. Harry was no longer in One Direction, of course, because they all decided to take a break and go do their own thing. Now, Harry was a successful solo artist, as well. She did get to meet his former bandmates a few times..even Zayn. Even more than his music or anything else, Addy adored Harry himself. He had been so kind and good to her. All of the other lads were pretty cool guys, as well. They were also very nice to her and a lot of fun to be around too. She didn't get to see them often, because all of the other four guys were busy with their own lives and such. The four of them treated her like a baby sister. Harry, on the other hand, had become even more than that to her. He was very much like a father figure to her. After Harry had found out what had happened to her parents (and his friend from childhood) he was stunned and devastated. Addy's dad had grown up with Harry and even attended the same school of Holmes Chapel in England. Brandon had been just a year older than Harry. Even up unto the accident happened, the two of then had not spoken nor had any contact with one another in a few years. The first time Harry had come back, to his hometown, to see the child after the horrific incident, Addisyn would have hardly remembered him. The only way she kinda recalled anything about him then, was through social media, on the telly, magazines, etc.

Harry and Brandon had lost touch over those few years..and Brandon had completely changed. Not for the better either. Brandon and Kimberly had Addisyn at a young age. Her father being seventeen and her mum was only sixteen. There was a great strain on their relationship over time. Even at such a young age, Addisyn could not remember a time when there was not alcohol involved her parents' lives. This had taken a toll on their family. Addy had had a very difficult, painful childhood. As she got older, the tension between them only worsened. The were not always such responsible parents and could be neglectful of their child. It had only gotten worse for them when Brandon was laid off from work. He could keep a steady job, because he was not in a good state of mind. Her mum stayed home to care for her.. But she did not always pay much attention to the little girl. Addy seemed to spend more time alone, than not. Addisyn never really had anyone take much interest in her life. Not until Harry Styles had entered into her life. He might have been the last person that anybody would've expected to do something like this. She had been entirely unused to being shown true love, care, and affection from a parental, adult figure until he showed her.

Harry was beyond shocked to find out the cold, harsh truth about what really went on in his old friend's life in secret. No one would have ever expected it to go that far. Not even Harry, who had thought he really knew his friend. He had always appeared to be such a good, decent guy. All of those things, the alcohol, the abuse was quickly leading up the dangerous, deadly path that an innocent little girl's parents had ended up on. Just like that, their lives had flashed before their very eyes and it was all gone. The only thing left, would be a cruel memory for a young girl. She had been left to live with the heart ache of what their bad choices had brought upon them.

If I Could Fly: Adopted By Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now