Chapter 16

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"Have you got everything?" You ask as you sit by your bag ready to go to the airport.

"I think so. You?"

"Yep... no wait the pictures hang on." You run upstairs to the bedroom you now share with Yoongi and grab the pictures from your scan and go back down. You hide them in your pocket as you go past the other boys to make sure it stays a secret for longer . You hug he boys as you are about to leave.

"I'm going to miss you y/n. Two weeks is a long time." Jungkook says as he hugs you tightly.

"I'm going to miss you too. All of you for that matter." You say as you give all 5 of them a huge hug. Once you've said your goodbyes you get into the car with Yoongi. "To the UK then."

The plane journey goes smoothly with both you and Yoongi sleeping through it. Once you land, you walk through the airport, hand in hand with Yoongi to find your grandparents who are picking you up.

"Y/n?" You hear someone call out beside you,
"Grandma!" You say as you hug your grandmother.

"Grandma this is my boyfriend Yoongi. Min Yoongi." You say as Yoongi politely bows. Your grandmother just looks him up and down and walks off.

"The car is this way." She says bitterly. You sigh and mutter an apology to Yoongi as you follow your grandmother. You hold hands with Yoongi all the way to the car before getting in.

The car ride to your old house was about 2 hours long from the airport but and Yoongi both spent most of it sleeping.

When you arrive at your grandparents house, you take your stuff out of the car and walk inside. You smile as everything is how it was but at the same time feel a wave of sadness from the bad memories this place holds. You climb the staircase into your old bedroom and smile. There's your bed and a wall full of photos with your friends and parents as well as the old piano in he corner of the room, dust piled high on it. You walk to the piano and stroke you hand across the keys. Your eyes move to the pictures of you and your parents. Pulling one off the wall, you smile as a tear rolls down your face. You didn't notice Yoongi had walked in and is looking over you shoulder.

"These are my parents and that's me as baby." You say as you hand Yoongi the photo.
"You were incredibly cute. Your parents look young too."

"Yeah they were young... my mum was 16 when she had me and my dad was 19. Their age didn't at all take away from their parenting. They were honestly the most amazing parents I don't think I will even compare." You say as you rub you stomach.

"We will do fine. You will do fine." Yoongi whispers before kissing your cheek.

After a look through your old belongings you and Yoongi decide to put your stuff away.

"So y/n I'm assuming your grandparents don't speak Korean." Yoongi asks as you both unpack your bags.

"Yeah they don't even know how to say hello." You chuckle aloud.

"Were these people the ones who you were talking about the other night? Even so, I can tell they are not overly fond of me."

"They were the ones who beat me but I'm sure they will warm up to both of us soon enough. My grandfather was a lot calmer around me so hopefully he stays the same." You say with a sad smile.

You look over at the time and see it's only mid afternoon. The jet lag was really setting in but you knew you had to stay awake. You both walk downstairs to see your grandfather sat there as well. You smile politely not knowing how to act around him. You generally get along quite well now that your older but your still not to sure.

"Y/n how are you? You look like such a beautiful young lady now. You've grown up so well."

"Thank you. I've been doing very well in Korea. Also I should probably introduce you. This is my boyfriend, Yoongi. Excuse his English as it's not very good but I hope you can treat him as openly as you do to me."

"Boyfriend... well I trust you know what your doing. It's nice to meet you Yoongi." Your grandfather says shaking his hand.

You catch up with your grandparents for a while and they slowly seem more open with Yoongi even though you have to translate everything he says.

"So what is it that Yoongi works as? I'm assuming me works if he's older than you." You grandfather asks.

"Well that's a long story. I think it would be easier if I just showed you." You say as you put a video on the TV from YouTube.

Your grandparent looked surprised as they saw Yoongi on the screen.
"That's Yoongi?" Your grandfather asks in shock.

"Yep that's him. He's part of a seven... six member South Korean boy band named BTS. He is one of 3 rappers and there are also 3 vocalists. They did a world tour and it sold out everywhere they went."

Your grandparents look impressed. Probably because they know he earns a lot of money. You show them other videos as well and they become more interested in Yoongi throughout.
"For now I welcome you to the family Yoongi. Treat her well or it won't be pretty." Your grandfathers says in a dark tone.

"Thank you Sir." Yoongi says his best English which is masked with a strong Korean accent which makes you smile.

You eat dinner and clear up. As you are putting away the last dish you hear the doorbell. Your auntie and cousin come inside. You go into the living room and say hello but before you can utter a word your 7 year old cousin gives you the biggest hug around your hips. You pick her up and spin her around before placing her down and saying your formal greeting. You and Yoongi sit on the floor so that your family have space to sit on the couch. Once again, you go through the process of introducing Yoongi all over again to your auntie.

"Y/n... can you come and play with me outside." Your cousin, named Lisa, says as she pulls your arm. You pull Yoongi outside to play as well knowing he would be uncomfortable on his own inside. You run around the garden playing games and laughing for a while with Lisa. You missed you aunt and cousin the most while you've been living In Korea because they really cared for you and looked after you when your parents died. Lisa is like an annoying little sister that you love anyway and she thinks of you in the same way. After a while you all go back inside. Yoongi gives Lisa a piggy back ride back into the room and you sit down again.

You have more conversation with your aunty before she leaves to go back home. You hug Lisa goodbye and she runs to hug Yoongi too.
"Well someone made a good first impression." You say hitting Yoongis arm which made you both burst out laughing.

"I'm so tired." You say as you sit on the bed brushing your hair ready to go to sleep.

"Me too. What are we doing tomorrow?" Yoongi says as he changes his shirt.

"I wanted to show you something very close to me that you will be close to as well one day."

"Oh really.. sound good." Yoongi says as he sits next to you and hugs you tight, kissing you on the head. You get off the bed and turn the light off before climbing into the sheets next to Yoongi and getting comfy.

"I love you so much but i love our little bean more." Yoongi says as he points to your stomach.

"I love you too. But no one loves the little one more than me." You say as you both laugh and fall asleep.

That chapter was an absolute mess. I apologise for the writing and how chunky it was. I think I tried to get too much done in one day being I wrote 4 chapters (two of them being for a different book) and the chapter got rushed so I will try harder to make the next chapter better.
Man my life is a fucking mess.
Thanks guys!

Together We Become A Family - Min Yoongi [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now