Chapter Five: The Magic Within Us

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Over the next few days, things like this continued to happen. One day we ran out of water because we had been sharing it among four instead of three as expected. 

"Thirsty Auntie!" Tamana said. 

"But there is no water! What are we going to do?" Saskia asked Deeya.

"Is there at least another week until we get to the shore? We will die without any water by then!" They sat down to think. Tamana started to cry. 

"I know babe. You will be okay." I told her. Then suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, their water supply was completely full. "How did that happen?" I asked.

"I have no idea." Saskia said. "It must be a part of my magical abilities; to make water appear." They handed Tamana some water. She hardly drank anything in the two weeks since we had found her. She had learned to walk and she was starting to learn how to talk. I pulled out some berries and nuts and gave them to Tamana and Saskia. "Let's stop here and eat for a little bit and wash our clothes. They are filthy." She and Saskia went over to a small space in a cave that was surrounded by a circle of big rocks. 

"Now how do we make the water appear again?" I asked.

"How about we just say water appear?" Suggested Saskia. We tried that, but it didn't do anything. "Maybe we need to picture the water in our mind and hold our hands out, pointing to the spot where we want the water to appear." This time it worked, and it looked like a bath of water surrounded by boulders. Before we wash our clothes, we should wash ourselves. Tamana is the youngest, so she gets to go first. We helped Tamana climb over the big boulders into the warm water. 

"I wish we had some soup." Saskia said. 

"We'll have to make do with animal fat." I responded. 

"I don't know if she's ever washed herself before." Saskia told me. We should probably wash her ourselves. After we finished bathing Tamana, we wrapped her in one of the blankets. Then, Saskia and I got into the water and cleaned ourselves. Next, we put our clothes in and scrubbed them clean. After our clothes dried we continued walking. "You know Saskia, I don't understand why you have these powers, but I do think I understand how they work. We have to first want and then believe in ourselves. I think your powers use the energy of the universe. I bet everyone can do it, they just have to connect with their own energy and with the universe's energy. They need to imagine what they want and believe that they can do it."

"You know, you're probably right" Saskia said. 

And from then on, everyday, they stopped to practice connecting with themselves and the universe and making their powers flourish. "Only three more days and will be at the shore."Saskia said. 

"The shore? What is that?" Tamana asked. 

"She's probably never been outside this cave." I pointed out.

"A shore is where land and water meet." Saskia told her. "If you cross the water you get to another area of land, which is what we are going to do."

"Oh!" she said with curiosity. We went on to explain beaches and oceans and continents. Since we found Tamana, we've taught her lessons every day. We had taught her about animals, nature, the world, magic, and lots more. She was learning fast. 

"I feel like a mother." Saskia said. "I wonder if this is what it's like to have a child." 

"Maybe." I said as we walked. We always told stories and played games with Tamana to keep her walking in the right direction, and keep her entertained. We would tell her stories about Babar the elephant, or about princesses. Sometimes we would make a ball with Saskia's magic, made completely out of water, and toss it back and fourth. "I want to know if Tamana has powers." I said. 

"Well there is one way to find out." Saskia replied. "That evening, when we stopped to practice our magic we told Tamana that we had something very special that we wanted her to do. "Tamana baby," Saskia said. "wish for anything. Focus on it. Imagine it." We were all sitting down in a circle and then Tamana started floating in the air. 

"What's going on?" I asked. 

"Tamana is floating in the air!" Saskia said.

"Have you ever been able to do that Saskia?"

"No, but I've never tried!"

"That's amazing Tamana!" I told her. 

"Let's see if we can do it!" Saskia said. Both Saskia and I sat down and concentrated. We felt the energy of the universe around us and we imagined ourselves floating in the air. Before we knew it, we were floating in the air. This is amazing! It will save us so much energy walking!" Saskia said.

"Who said anything about being able to move? We're only levitating." I said. "But you're probably right. There must be some way that we can move around like this. It's probably like walking. Just walking on clouds." We tried to walk but we couldn't. 

"Maybe it's more like swimming?" Saskia suggested. So we got on our stomachs and tried to swim through the air, but that didn't work either. "Maybe we can't move when we are levitating." Saskia said. 

"No, I'm sure there's a way." I responded. "I think I got it!" I announced. "Maybe we have to look at the place we want to go and just wish we were there!" This time it worked! It felt like we were being pulled along by a gentle current. Now that we could travel faster without having to take as many breaks, we can reach the shore by morning. Tonight will be our last night in the caves. Saskia said to celebrate, we'll have a nice dinner. "I'll go catch us a rabbit." She was back in about an hour with the rabbit ready for me to cook. I sliced it open with a knife and cooked the meat over a warm fire they had some fruit and berries and drank water. Then we came up around the fire, with Tamana in between us and we told stories to her until she fell asleep.

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