Chapter Nine: Mermaids

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That night things got even worse. It started to rain heavily and the wind became so wild and loud that it caused excruciating pain in my ears. I felt like someone was trying to split my head open. The waves got rougher and we continued to be lifted into the air only to crash back down I crawled up into a ball on the floor. The wind then blew off our sail, the boat turned sideways, and the three of us tumbled into each other. Tamana started to cry.

"I'm scared!" She said, her little body trembled.

"It's okay." We tried to reassure her but honestly, I didn't know myself whether we were going to survive. My heart was pounding in my chest. The rain was pouring down so heavily, it started to seep into the boat.

"We're gonna drown!" Tamana cried. Saskia and I looked around the boat to see if there was anything that might help.

"Once this boat fills with water, we're dead." Saskia said. Suddenly the wind tore the roof off and one of the walls. We were suddenly lifted up and with a mighty splash, dropped back into the ocean. We slid off of the boat and into the sea. Water filled my lungs and I gasped for air. I kicked and splashed trying to get to the surface. I tried to move my limbs but I was paralyzed by fear. Salt water stung my eyes but I continued to be dragged farther under water with my hands and legs. I felt like they were cement or concrete. I fought against the water, but then suddenly I could breathe. I was still underwater, but I could breathe. The salt water stopped stinging my eyes. I opened my mouth to cry out for Saskia and Tamana, and words actually escaped my mouth! I was so confused but so relieved. It was dark in the water and I couldn't see. I felt a hand grab mine.

"Saskia?" I asked. 

"Jemma? Is that you? You're alive!"

"So are you!" I cried. "How did you find me? I asked.

"Well I fell out of the boat just like you did with Tamana clinging to my arm. We tried to get to the surface but we couldn't and then suddenly we were able to breathe under water. I heard you call out to me and I swam in the direction of your voice."

"Is Tammana with you? I asked.

"Yes, and she can breathe just fine. Let's go up to the surface now." We swam upward towards the moonlight. I popped my head above the water. There was a beautiful full moon. The moon's reflection shown down on the ocean. The storm had ceased. I saw Saskia and Tamana pop their heads up a few seconds later.

"My legs feel funny." Tamana said. 

"I'll make some light and go down and look at them." Saskia said. She created a magical ball of light by rubbing her hands together and she made it into the shape of a bar. She went underwater with the glowing sphere to look at Tamana's legs. She was down there for a long time. When she finally came back up, I could tell by her expression that something was seriously different. 

"Neither one of you have legs, nor do I for that matter. We all have tails!" 

"What? No way!" I said. "Let me take a look. She handed me the glowing sphere of light and I went back under the warm water. I looked at Saskia and Tamana's legs or rather, tails! They had beautiful sparkling blue, pink, and lavender tails. I moved my legs in front of me so that I could take a look at them too. I didn't have any legs either, I had a beautiful pink and purple tail. I swam up to the surface again. "Wow I can't believe this! We're mermaids!" I said.

"I know!" Saskia said.

"We're mermaids?" Tamana asked in shock. 

"Yes! You have a beautiful pink and blue tail!" I told Tamana. "Now, what should we do?" I asked Saskia. "We can't swim all the way to Europe, even as mermaids." 

"We'll have to swim to the nearest island." Saskia said. "Come on Tamana, get on my back. I'll give you a piggyback ride." Saskia and I started to swim. I was going so fast that a trail of bubbles followed me. Saskia was right by my side. it felt so good to swim underwater like this. The water was warm like a friendly embrace and the current played with me gently and tossed me around. I felt safe. I sniffed the wonderful scent of the ocean as I watched the beautiful pink and orange coral reef underneath me. They almost looked like trees I saw beautiful fish of many different colors, seahorses, and more. Finally, after about two hours of swimming we came across a small island. We pulled ourselves to shore and Saskia and I gasped in unison 

"Saskia, this is the island that we received all those messages from! Do you think we should-" Before I had time to finish my sentence, men wearing baggy black pants and carrying clubs were charging towards us!

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