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I sit at the table picking over my chicken Ghonchi not sure I'm hungry anymore. My bottom lip is plucked between my teeth as I try not to think or look up. I stare at my fork that is twirled around some fettuccine noodles covered in white delicious sauce. Chris is staring at me, but I cannot look up. I cannot even utter a word to him after the events of tonight. First Gabe is lurking in the window curtains of our apartment, watching me display public affection. Being a creep when I get home and speaking of surprises I probably don't want, and now this. Of all the people in the world to run into, it had to be Shekinah and Tremaine. Dear god why?

I had moved to Toronto to get away from the life I had previously led in New York for this reason. I wanted to get away from them. They were everywhere back home and I just couldn't take it. Shekinah was horrible to me, she treated me as if I was the scum of the earth and I didn't even speak to her after the prom incident. She spent the last two months of the school year making my life a living hell, and it only got worst when she released the video of Trey and I. I became the school ho in a matter of hours. I went from being Trey's girl, to Trey's sideline, to a freak ho who'll do anything. Of course I wasn't like that, but they didn't believe me. They believed in there heart of hearts I was truly the slut I was portrayed as. They whispered about me, tried to pay for sex... Drug me through the fire with my name buried deep in the dirt, and Shekinah didn't even have it in her heart to care. She never cared about me, she just led people to believe that to get what she wanted.

I sigh thinking about everything as I finally look up from my plate and stare at Chris who was looking right back at me. He knew Shekinah and Trey, but how? I chewed at my lip wanting him to explain, but I was too afraid to ask. He sighed closing his eyes for a minute before leaning back in his seat. "That was him... Wasn't it?" He ask as his eyes open again, there I see that there is not a doubt in his mind that he's unraveled a piece of my truth. He's so sure of it, that I really didn't need to answer the question, but I do. I nod hesitantly and lick over my lips. He shakes his head leaning forward again, "Never knew Trey was the type..." He shrugs eating his food. I raise an eyebrow not sure what he's talking about and wonder if he will explain. I stare at his profile waiting for him to say anything, but he doesn't. He just started eating as if the situation didnt even matter. He seemed to be done with the situation at hand altogether, but I am not. I sit my fork down and rest my head on my hand to stare at him.

"Chris how do you know them?" I ask bluntly as I stare at him. One of my perfectly arched eyebrows raised in his direction as he stopped mid chew and looked up into my brown sugar face and stared. His eyes grew big as he gulped down an enormous amount of his food then clearing his throat to say, "We lived in the same neighborhood back in high school, just never went to the same school." He shrugs as he stares directly into my eyes. Honesty and truth laced in his voice sending a message of reassurance. I sighed and began to eat thinking that maybe they weren't close associate and had only known the past versions of each other. Chris starts to eat too, taking his fork and rounding up his bow-tie noodles on his fork covered in tomato sauce. He nonchalantly says, "Shekinah and I use to sleep together at one point, but that all ended the day she answered my phone and you heard us." He speaks so calm and so smooth that I almost forget to choke on my food. Shekinah was the one who answered the phone that night? Chris knows Shekinah? Oh no.

Suddenly I am no longer hungry. Chris slept with Shekinah, once again something I wanted was tampered with by the one girl who seems to know just how to make my life a living hell. I clear my throat suddenly anxious to get out of here. "Chris can we go?" I say very low and he looks up at me confused. By now he has finished his food and he can finally pay attention to the look on my face. In my mind I imagine my face distraught, angry, pained. I didn't know how to feel really. I was mad at myself for letting me get so close to Chris and not wondering who was apart of his past. I was distraught because I didn't know how to react to seeing Shekinah, I had always hoped we'd never cross paths again. I had even hoped that when we did see each other again we would forget how the other looked and walk right past each other. Pain because I had seen Trey and whatever it was that drew me to him our senior year might still be there. I never wanted to open old wounds. "Why?" Chris ask and I bite my lip. Tonight has been a ball of confusion and frustration, and truthfully that ruined the once lovely mood that had been set on the way here. There were too many problems and honestly, I couldn't enjoy it, but I wouldn't tell him that. He would ask questions that I not only was not ready to answer but didn't want to.

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