"So Niall, you gonna do anything for your birthday? It's coming up soon." Louis changes the topic. I simply shrug.

"It's not that soon though, it's like in two weeks or so. But yeah, I don't think so. It's honestly no big deal, I'm just getting a year closer to death." I joke.

"Don't say that." Harry gasps and I couldn't help but to chuckle softly.

"We're gonna have a party." Louis declares and I roll my eyes.

"No. No parties. Just having dinner with you guys like this is more than enough for me." I say. Louis was about to say something but I shoot him a look and he sighs.

"Fine. You're so boring." Louis refutes lamely and I grin.

"I like my boring life." I defend.

The five of us then continued talking, laughing, and it honestly has been great fun. They would occasionally bring up the topic of my birthday, which just leads me to rolling my eyes at them. I really don't see what's the big deal about birthdays. Like I said, just a year closer to death.

"You want one of my chicken, Ni?" Zayn asks and I turn my attention to him, my eyes lighting up, nodding my head furiously.

"You're the best, Z." I gush, grabbing the chicken off from his box. Zayn smiles fondly, and I smile widely.

"You and Zayn are cute." I hear Harry whisper in my ear and I feel like the chicken in my mouth could fall out any second.

I recompose myself, giving him a shy grin, not saying anything else.

"Niall? You want to get some ice cream?" Louis' voice brings my attention to him.

"I'm eating my chicken." I whine and he shoots me a look. I sigh, nodding.

"Okay fine." I take a last bite from my chicken before cleaning my fingers on the serviette. I turn to Harry and he swings his long legs over to the other side, giving me space to exit the booth.

As I'm walking out, he pokes my bum, making me squeal, and for my cheeks to go crimson.

"Hey, don't go poking my boyfriend's ass." Zayn scolds jokingly and Harry chuckles.

"Your boyfriend does have a nice ass, Z." I hear Harry reply and I roll my eyes, choosing to ignore his statement. Yet, I can't ignore how warm my body feels.

A small tug on my hand brings my attention off Harry and Zayn, turning to look at Louis instead.

"Why are you buying ice cream so early, Louis? We barely finished our lunch." I say, but follow him to the order queue nonetheless.

"I know." He states before he turns to me with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Niall, do you still like Harry?" He asks, rather seriously, and I can't help but to tense slightly at his words. Definitely didn't expect him to say that. Louis is rarely serious, and the fact that he is, it's kind of a scary thought.

"I don't-"

"Actually, don't answer that. I know you still do." He cuts me off and I narrow my eyes at him. My eyes then gaze over to Harry, to see him laughing at something Zayn said. I sigh softly, feeling warm tears building up at the corner of my eyes. Seeing my boyfriend and the guy I'm still so in love with, being the best of friends, it's making me feel even worse than I already am.

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