Chapter 09- First Date

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I nodded not really knowing what to say.

"Clary I love you " I say

She looked up kissing me on the cheek.

"So where are we going " Clary says

"Somewhere. But I don't really know if your gonna enjoy it"

"I'll enjoy it promise "

We headed to a ski place where there is a frozen lake in it but I think its face o wouldn't know what's it's called I actually had help with Lizzy to chose a place.

"Alec, why are we at a skii rank" Clary says

"I don't really know but I thought we might enjoy it I have never done this before" to be honest I'm excited.

"I used to go here when I was five but I stopped because we moved" she says

"C'mon then " I say dragging her in.

We entered and headed to the counter.

"Hi welcome to Brooklyn's Skii rank " says the lady at the counter

When I was about to say something Clary said "two please"

I paid the lady as she handed us our sized boots

We entered the place was a little cold at first but I've been through worst.

"Are you cold " I asked clary

"No not really " she said as she did her last knot on her shoe.

We headed on the ice I had a hard time I fell about 100 times by now.

Clary keeps laughing as I see her gliding across the ice

"Wants some help" she says looking at me"
I nodded.

[Clarys Pov]

It was funny seeing Alec fall maybe a couple times

I helped him up as I skated to the side of the turf.

"Have you done this before" I asked him.

He was breathing heavily and shook a no 

I giggled a guy who doesn't know how to skate is really interesting.

"Common make a triangle your feet and start moving a bit. It's easy"

"It's easy for you to say" he says

"This is why I love you so much"

He looked up and smiled. He leaned it and I moved Closer before our lips would connect. Some kid Shouted PDA I was mad a little but this kid looked a lot like Simon.

I realise that Simon and I haven't hang out in a while. But doesn't really mean much really because Izzy and Him.

"Wanna go get something to eat" Alec asked me.

"I'll love too "

"I found this place when I was new to New York "  He continue

"What place is this "

"I keep forgetting what's it's called I don't go there usual " he says  "Let's go"

We took off our skates and took it back to the counter. As we exit the place a lot of people we're outside. This place is pretty much crowded.

We walked a couple more blocks and my feet started to hurt so much. I wanted to get a cab but it seem like there was none at the time.

"Are you feet tired " Alec looked at me while stopping.

"Yea…they hurt a …little" I say

"You have splinters Clary. " he says while scanning my foot for anymore. "Wanna have a piggyback "

I hesitated as he got his back ready.

"I'm not sure …alec"

"C'mon your my girlfriend can't get you hurt can I " he says

I hopped on it and headed to the place he said he went to.

We we're about to cross on of the roads. As I was looking at the beautiful lights of Brooklyn.

"Out of all people I met you" I say to him.

"Well I'm lucky enough to even be alive to finally met you too" he response putting me down.

"We're here. " I looked at the place and this was the first place Ive to once I turned 16.

"This place has memory " he says.

"I know" he looked at me.

Alec and I just wanted to get a takeout since it was really late we needed to get back to the institute.

"Thank you for this night Clary" he says.

"No I should be thanking you"


Yo guys wassup.

I'm so so sorry for not updating all weekend I feel bad really bad since I left you guys waiting.

I actually write this part days ago it's just that I didn't have wifi or enough ideas.

Special Update
In Chapter 09 There will be a huge surprise for some of you who are a fan of.

Clace or Calec

Sizzy or Climon

Hoped you enjoy this chapter I had fun making this.

Shout out to my parabatai  ShadowHunterFan1for being a bomb. Thank you. So much. Well be giving each other ideas for each our books if I haven't met this girl I wouldn't be making this book. She said that if we never met she would of not even finished book 1. I'm glad to met a person like you.

VOTE!  (How many demons can Clary kill)

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Enjoy (I love my supporters I'll be active this week)

Also I'll be leaving for vacation in 4 weeks I'm excited.

Add my random book Nuts & Bolts for updates from that. I'll be taking photos also guess the place"

Bye My Little Raziels

Controlled [Clalec] [Discontinuted.. Sorry]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن