Myths We Have All Believed- And The Truth Behind Them

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1. 100 Brush Strokes Per Day
The Myth: brushing it 100 strokes per day will help it grow longer, stronger, and healthier.
The Truth: This actually causes damage to your hair. Brushing your hair is good for you as it stimulates the scalp. So do brush your hair, just not 100 times a day.

2. Brushing Wet Hair
The Myth: never use a brush on wet hair, only a comb!
The Truth: The so called "Wet Brush" can be applied to damp tangled hair. You can buy it at you local Walmart, Target, Walgreens, or online.

3. Regular Trims
The Myth: Getting regular trims will help your hair grow faster
The Truth: trims do not accelerate hair growth, but they do get rid of those ugly split ends. So regular trims are good for  your hair, but it's just that they don't make your hair grow faster

4. Oily Scalp and Conditioner
The Myth: If you have an oily scalp, don't use conditioner.
The Truth: An oily head of hair still needs it. Use a clarifying shampoo, and for the conditioner, use a lightweight detangling one and put it only on the ends of your hair.

5. Shampoo Suds
The Myth: The more suds your shampoo produces, the cleaner your locks will be.
The Truth: There are shampoos free of surfactants. They are just as effective and don't produce as many suds.

6. Beer
The Myth: Using beer to rinse your hair will help make your hair healthier and stronger
The Truth: The protein in the beer repairs your hair, but the alcohol overpowers that and dehydrated your locks.

7. Going Outside With Wet Hair
The Myth: Going outside with wet hair will make you sick.
The Truth: Walking outside with wet hair will only make you chilly, not sick.

8. Switching Shampoos
The Myth: Switching shampoos every now and then is good for your hair
The Truth: Not exactly. If you have been using the same shampoo for some time and you like it, then keep it!

9. Pulling Out A Grey Hair
The Myth: Pulling out one grey hair will cause two more to fall out.
The Truth: Pulling grey hair can cause scarring, so just leave those annoying grey hairs alone!

10. Thinning Hair
The Myth: Only elder women suffer from thinning hair
The Truth: The factors that cause thinning hair and hair loss include hormones and over-processing with chemicals.

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