9 Coconut Oil Beauty Tips

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1. Rub it straight on your lips as a lip balm.

2. For dry or cracked hands, rub some oil all over your hands and then cover it with cotton gloves. You could do the same with your feet but with socks instead of gloves.

3. Lessen wrinkles and brown spots by applying a very small amount under your eyes or age spots.

4. To use as a makeup remover just put some coconut oil on a tissue and gently rub across your face to get your makeup off.

5. Use it to make your own body scrub
(Recipe is the following)
-     1 c.  brown sugar
-     1/2 c. white sugar
-     1/2 c. coconut oil
-     1/2 tbs. vanilla extract
Mix it all together

6. Mix it with Terra Shield Oil to make an awesome bug repellent

7. Relieve those dry sinuses by applying some onto a cotton swab. Gently rub into your nose and nostrils, but don't go in too far to create any damage.

8. Use it as a shaving substitute, by just applying it to your skin and go about shaving!

9. Use it as a sunburn reliever by applying it to the affected area.

Hey guys! I am sooo sorry for not updating yesterday! This weekend has been crazy hectic! But I'm back with the update and I'll add in another update tomorrow to make up for the one I didn't get to do yesterday. Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote! (As long as you don't hate me) bye lovelies!!!!!😘😘😘😘😘😘

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