7 Mistakes You Make When Washing Your Hair

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1. You wash your hair way too often
It it is suggest to shampoo every other day and slowly work your way up to washing every three to four days.

2. Your Shampoo Has High Levels of Alcohol
Many shampoos contain high levels of alcohol, plastics, and other ingredients that cause extreme drying. Although an alcohol-free shampoo won't create as many suds, it will be safer for your locks. Start reading the ingredients on the shampoo label, or ask your stylist to recommend a shampoo that will address your specific hair needs.

3. You Forget About Your Scalp
Just because you're cutting down on the shampoos and only conditioning your ends doesn't mean you shouldn't give your scalp attention. Try giving yourself a scalp massage at least once a week to get the circulation flowing.

4. You Don't Style Your Bangs Right Away
When your fringe bangs are freshly washed, that's the perfect opportunity to style them. Otherwise, as they dry, they'll become increasingly defiant and difficult to style. So be sure to brush your bangs in the desired shape.

5. You Don't Rinse Before You Shampoo
You know to rinse your hair after you shampoo and condition it, but did you know you should start with a rinse, too? Your products will be much more effective if they're used on wet hair. Make that cold, wet hair.

6. You Condition Incorrectly
Many people massage conditioner into their scalp, but that's just extra oil for your scalp. Your scalp already has its natural oils to condition it, so don't try condition it even more. So save yourself some product and save your hair by using a small amount on the ends of your hair only.

7. You Finish Your Rinse With Hot Water
In fact, if you can stand it, cold water is best at all times during your shampoo. Hot water just strips away your oil, and can leave your hair feeling dry and damaged.

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