DIY Hair Masks

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For Dry Hair:

- 4 tbsp honey
- 6 tbsp olive oil

1.        Mix the two ingredients and apply to hair. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let it sit for 15-30 minutes. Wash it off with shampoo, and revel in your new, gorgeous, locks.

For Brittle Hair:

- 2 tbsp honey
- 1/2 cup milk

1.        Mix the two ingredients together. Make sure it is properly mixed! Put all over your hair. Let it sit for about an hour. Wash off with normal shampoo.

Split Ends:
This isn't a fix, but it does improve the look of your the split ends.

-  2 tbsp olive oil
-1 tbsp almond oil
- 2 tbsp ACV

1. Mix together the ingredients.
2. Apply to hair focusing on the ends.
3. Let it sit for a minimum of 30 minutes.
4. Rinse off with shampoo.

For Frizzy Hair:

- 2 tbsp honey
-1/2 tsp almond oil
-1/2 banana

1. Mash up the banana, and mix it in with the other ingredients.
2. Massage through scalp and let sit for 20 minutes.
3. Rinse off with shampoo.

For Oily Hair:

1/8 cup milk
- 1 tsp almond oil
- 1/4 cup oats
(Half the amounts for shorter hair)

1. Combine the ingredients in a blender.
2. When you have a paste-like consistency apply it to your hair and scalp before washing before washing out throughly.

(I do not take credit for any of this. All credits go to BodyRock.TV)

Hey guys! I told you earlier I would update with hair masks so here it is! I might be able to update tonight, and if not, I will definitely update tomorrow! Comment and vote please!
Thank you guys for reading!😘

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