15 Tips Every Girl Needs To Know

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1. Use conditioner in replace of of shaving cream! It's a quick fix in case you ever run out of shaving cream.
2. Use ice water to help your nails dry faster.
3. Want matte lips? Take a tissue and press it to your colored lips. Dust a translucent powder all over your lips, and ta-da! You got yourself some matte lips!
4. Heat an eyelash curler with a blowdryer before applying for a better curl.
5. Get smooth lips by mixing coconut and brown sugar and scrubbing it on your lips.
6. Put a business or index card behind your lashes when putting on mascara to prevent it from getting on your eyes.
7. Use lip liner before putting on lipstick to make it last longer
8. Sleep on your bed at night to avoid puffy eyes in the morning.
9. Braid your hair at night when damp and wake up to gorgeous waves.
10. Get a dewy look by mixing your moisturizer in with your foundation.
11. Use lip balm to keep your brows on fleek.
12. Spray your bobby pins with dry shampoo or hairspray for better grip.
13. Use invisible lip liner to keep your lip color from streaking.
14. Apply hairspray to a toothbrush to tame flyaways.
15. Create a longer, more fuller ponytail simply by crating two ponytails, one on top of the other. Fluff out the ponytails, and be certain the lower ponytail is hidden. Enjoy your longer ponytail!
(I do not take credit for this. All credits go towards makeup.com)

Hey guys! I would like it if you guys could comment below some tips! I might be able to include it in the next updates! Also comment down if you guys got Monday off too for President's day! I would love it if you would vote for this too (trying not to be too desperate😂)Thanks for reading guys! I will be back with more updates soon!

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