Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

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- distilled water
- spray bottle

apple cider vinegar toner
Apple Cider Vinegar toner For Beautiful Skin

August 20, 2016 MamtaDIY, Skin
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is very useful for our health as well as for our skin.  Beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar give it its power to make us feel better, look better, and feel energized. It is great for acne prone skin. I am going to share the benefits as well as my experience with DIY apple cider vinegar toner.  It is made from nutritious, organically grown apples and retains many beneficial components because raw apple cider vinegar is not pasteurized. ACV undergoes two fermentation processes where it produces enzymes and life giving nutrients that make apple cider vinegar the powerhouse it is. Firstly we should know about the skin benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Skin benefits of apple cider vinegar toner
Apple has potassium which is one of the reasons why many people suffer from dry skin is due to the deficiency of potassium. Potassium keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated internally.
Apple pectin helps fight against changes to the skin structure associated with aging.
Malic acid of apple works as an exfoliant, helping to rid the skin of dead skin cells, dark spots, scars, and acne.
Apple has calcium has skin benefits include cell renewal, lipid barrier function, and antioxidant protection from DNA damage.
Ash of apple normalizes the skin pH.
Acetic acid of apple helps in exfoliation and in hydration of the skin.
apple cider vinegar toner

My experience with homemade apple cider vinegar toner
For the past 3 months, I have been using a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water as a toner, every morning and every evening after I wash my face. I saw a noticeable change and improvement in my skin in just a couple of weeks time.

I have noticed that my skin tone has become softer and I have less dry and itchy red patches, plus less oiliness in my trouble area. I can see less visible tiny pores on my cheeks and nose that seemed to always be there. I have also noticed less everyday regular breakouts. I have observed that many of my previous breakouts were seemingly due to clogged pores and no matter how much I washed my face, I would still have that problem, this toner has seriously been the answer I was looking for.

apple cider vinegar toner
How to make Apple Cider Vinegar Toner

Apple cider vinegar
Distilled water
Spray bottle

1. Pour 1 part Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar into a glass jar, bottle or container.
2. Add 2 parts distilled or filtered water.
3. Shake the bottle to combine the mixture.
4. Apply the toner to your freshly cleansed skin using a cotton ball or pad, avoiding the eye area.
5. Apply your usual, daily moisturizer after the apple cider vinegar toner has dried.

Skin benefits of apple cider vinegar toner
• Apple has potassium which is one of the reasons why many people suffer from dry skin is due to the deficiency of potassium. Potassium keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated internally.
• Apple pectin helps fight against changes to the skin structure associated with aging.
• Malic acid of apple works as an exfoliant, helping to rid the skin of dead skin cells, dark spots, scars, and acne.
• Apple has calcium has skin benefits include cell renewal, lipid barrier function, and antioxidant protection from DNA damage.
• Ash of apple normalizes the skin pH.
• Acetic acid of apple helps in exfoliation and in hydration of the skin.

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