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I woke to sunshine streaming in through the the window of an unfamiliar room, it only took a split second to remember where I was, a smile spread across my face at the memory of last night.
"Morning sleeping beauty" sammy walked through the door holding a tray of food, I sat up and he placed it on my lap.
"I could get used to this" I smiled as he bent down to kiss me on my head.
"Well, you have a long day ahead of you, work starts on the club and you've got shopping to do, you need fuel, you're gonna be exhausted by the end of the day!"
"I'm excited, but I'm also terrified at the same time Sammy! Can everything really be this good. Just a couple of years ago I had nothing, now it seems I have everything, it really does feel like it's too good to be true!"
"My advice if you want it babe, enjoy it while you have it, take each day as it comes and live in the moment with it"

The cab pulled up outside my flat, I hand him some cash but he responds with "it's taken care of love."
Why am I not surprised!

I head upstairs, I can hardly meet up with David wearing the same thing I went out in last night!

"Hey You!" I hear as I walk into the kitchen.
I was surprised to find Roxy awake at this hour.
"Hey Rox, you're up early, or late!"
"I'm up late! The new blond joined us last night, I was showing her the ropes and trying to keep Jade from drooling over her too much" she laughed "feels like I haven't see you in like forever! I'm not working tonight, do you have plans?"
"Nope, and we definitely need a catch up, so go get some sleep and we'll go out for a bevie or two later, I suspect I'll need it. "

I shower, change and make my way to the club, Dave is ready and waiting for me outside. "Good morning my darling, are you ready to go spend some money?" he says with a big smile as he flags down a black cab.
"As ready as I'll ever be I think"

First stop was the bank to deposit the cheque Stan had given me, Dave said we'd be using his limitless credit card today and I promised to pay everything back, but he just waved my comment off and linked arms with me as we made our way to what Dave assures me, and I quote, is the most amazing shoe shop in the entire world!

He wasn't wrong! A large amount of money was spent in that shop, not only on shoes but also on display shelves for them that Dave fell in love with! "The shoes make the dancer" he said laughing as we left the shop.

It was getting dark, my feet were killing me, it felt like we'd walked a marathon today. We ended up in a cute little bar tucked away down a cobbled ally in the heart of London, I sat with my planner open, notes and lists spread before me while Dave went to the bar to get us some drinks and a bowl of chips to share. We'd achieved a lot today, it was beginning to feel very real, we'd picked out the chairs and tables for the main bar, the furniture for the staff room and well most of what was on my list I've been able to cross off.

"Here we go my lovely" Dave said as he put my drink in front of me and sat in the chair opposite "I think it's safe to say we deserved this!"

"Most definitely, cheers" we clinked glasses "Thank you for coming with me today Dave, it's been awesome spending time with you, I appreciate what you guys are doing for me"

"You're more than welcome, there's no way I was about to miss out on a mega shopping spree now is there, it's nice to see Stan having someone else to dote on other than me, it's almost like you have awoken something within him Al, like he has his drive back, a reason to go on, don't get me wrong, we were happy and content but just being content isn't enough for him, so it's I that should be thanking you" he raised his glass again and I smiled, "now tell me, do you have any plans for for the money Stan gave you, because everything purchased today was on me, I want for nothing, and enjoyed our day of retail therapy probably more than you did" he held up a finger to stop me from interrupting, he knew dam well I was about to object. "I'll not hear a word said on the matter, think of it as a thank you, I couldn't ask for a nicer long lost step daughter"
We both laughed as I replied that he was the best long lost step father anyone could ask for.

To be honest I didn't know what to do with the money, I'd always gone without, I wasn't materialistic, as long as my rent was paid and the bills were split I was happy, since I started working at star dusk there hasn't been a time when I've been without money in the bank, not a massive amount but enough to keep me ticking over. This is a whole new ball game.

"I don't know Dave, it's all a bit much to comprehend really, might book myself in for a hair cut!"
Again we laughed.

"Well, I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'm all shopped out!,
He let his arms drag down by the side of his chair and his head flopped back!
"It's been an awesome day Dave, you really are one In a million"

I finished the last few chips from the bowl while we put our coats on and prepared to leave.

We got back to Star Dusk, Dave kissed me on the cheek and went upstairs while I made myself comfy at the end of bar, laney brought me over a voddy,  told me she'd heard the news, and wished me luck before dashing off to serve the other customers.

I dug my phone out of my bag and sent Rox a message letting her know where I was and to come meet me whenever she was ready.
I turned in my bar stool to watch Sky dancing, this girl really did know how to work the crowd, it dawned on me that it had been a while since I was on that stage, I cant imagine I ever will be again, a wave of sadness hit me, I stirred my drink while trying to envisage what Fanta Si's  will be like when it's up and running, I'm lost deep in thought when I hear a squeaky high pitched voice say
"Hey, you work here don't you, mind if I join you?"
The busty blond I saw Stan interviewing held out her hand for me to shake and before I have a chance to reply she continues with
"I'm Candy, well that's the name I'm using, it's not my real name but how many dancers do you know that would go by their birth name if their birth name was Lynn I hate my name, sorry, I talk to much, I always do that, I get told all the time to shut up by my friends, I think I get on their nerves! What's your name again?"

Bloody hell! "I'm Al"
"Oh yeah, that's right, Alex, you live with Roxy, shes lovely, shes showed me around last night and introduced me to everyone! I must say, I really do like it here, I hope I fit in, I didn't really like the last club I worked in, the boss was an absolute sleeze, Stan seems lovely though, don't you think?"

Oh boy, candy liked to talk!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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