17 1 2

As the evening wore on the guests dwindled but our drinking and laughter went on into the early hours of the next day, I don't remember going home but I have woken alone in my bed, so at least no one took advantage of my intoxicated state! The angry red numbers on my alarm clock glare at me, informing me that's it's four forty-seven in the pm! A rough mental calculation tells me that I've probably had about nine hours sleep give or take a bit!
There is a glass of water and some painkillers on my bedside table along with a note.
'Morning sleepy head, I'm going out with Max for a few hours but Stan has given me tonight off so I'll be back soon and I'll bring food, love you, Roxy xx'

I take the pills and wash them down with the whole glass of water, I'm now faced with a decision, do I go back to sleep until Roxy comes home or do I get up and shower! I roll over, snuggle down and drift back off to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door.

"I can't believe you are still sleeping, are you hungry? There's cod and chips waiting, and I didn't forget the mushy peas!" Roxy nudged me over and sat down next to me "How you feeling"

"Good actually, I did wake up but I went back to sleep"

"Well you must have needed it! Let's go eat before it goes cold"

I grab my cosy oversized dressing gown and follow her into the kitchen, I pour myself a nice cold glass of water while Roxy unwraps our fish and chips.

"The flat seems so quiet Rox! It was lovely to have everyone there for me but I'm kinda glad it's all settled down now!"

"I know what you mean, It was a tad hectic here"

I dip a chip into my mushy peas as I remember the note Roxy left on my bedside table, "how's things going with max?"

"Really good actually, it's sad that it takes something tragic to happen to bring people closer! He's been an absolute star this last week, I think I'm beginning to like him a lot more than what I'm ready for, but I'm just going to go with the flow, see what happens. How about you?"

"How about me what?" I say with a mouthful of fish.

"Well, with all that happened, we haven't really had a chance to speak properly, how did dinner with Stan go?"

Oh my God!
"Oh my God! Rox" I bang my hands on the table.

"What! what?"
She looks around and I laugh.

"Have you not spoken to Stan or Sammy about it?"

"No, well, everyone has been a little pre occupied I guess, why? what happened? Was it bad?"

"No, it wasn't bad, far from it. God, where do I start! Okay, first, we went to a lovely little Italian place and Sammy was sat at our table when we arrived..."

"Shut up! Why on earth was he there?"

"I'm gonna spare you the details and get to the good bit, and I'm so glad you're sitting down, this is big, well, it's bigger than big, it's huge, it's....."

"Al, get to the point"

"Okay!....... Stan has bought me a club!"
Roxy is sat with her fork halfway to her mouth, which is still open, just staring wide eyed at me. She lowers her fork back down to her plate and says "That's bigger than huge!"

I spear a chip and laugh "No shit!"

"Now give me the details"

We finish our meal while I fill her in on everything that happened at dinner with Stan, even the bit about the blond waitress, then I went on to tell her about the club itself.

"This is awesome Al, you're gonna make an amazing club owner!"

"Stan has been interviewing new girls, he told me that I could ask you and Page if you wanted to come on board with me" I said sheepishly.
I didn't want to take her away from the girls and I was unsure if she'd even want to come! However, any doubt I had has just been washed away with her squeals of delight and excitement.

"Oh my God Al, are you fucking kidding me? This is going to be the best next step in life ever! This is nuts, it's perfect, it's exactly what we need right now!"

I'm laughing at her enthusiasm, she's right though, this really is exactly what we need right now.

"So, you want to join me then!" I laugh "Do you think page will too?

"Page would follow you wherever you go Al, but I wonder if kitty will be okay with it? I mean, she's just told you she loves you and now you're not gonna be around so much!"

"Stan said we can share her! I think she'll be fine with it, I'll text her later and see what she's up to tomorrow" The message tone on my phone went off.
'Hey, you up for a visit? Xx'

"It's Sammy, he wants to know if I'm up for a visit!"

"Are you?"

"I don't mind; do you have plans?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure you ate, mission accomplished! but that's kinda strange, when I left max he told me he was going to go see Sammy!"

"Maybe he did!"
I text him back saying it's fine and get a reply straight away.

'Wanna open the door then ;) xx'

"He's outside, why am I not surprised!" I laugh.

I walk downstairs while Roxy starts to clear away the dinner things.
I open the door to find Sammy stood there with max by his side. I feel giddy with the effect Sammy has on me, stood at my door looking goddam gorgeous.
"Evening boys" I say "Come on in" I lead the way upstairs.

"Sammy brought a stray, Rox!" I laugh as we enter the kitchen, Roxy is stood washing up and turns to see Max stood holding a bottle of wine and some flowers, as if we don't have enough of them in the flat already!
He looks kinda awkward as he hands them to her.

"Thank you" she says as she brings them to her nose to smell them, I think she's trying to hide her blushing cheeks!

"And these are for you" Sammy says, handing me a box of chocolates.

"Yummy, thanks"

"No probs sweet pea, I just wanted to make sure you were okay after you disappeared last night!"

"Did I? I don't remember getting home!"

"You told me you were going to the loo; no one saw you after that! But you text Roxy saying you were fine and all snuggled up in bed!"

I laughed, sounds like something I'd do!
Roxy uncorked the wine and took four glasses from the cupboard,
"I hear congratulations are in order" she said as she handed us each a glass "I'm so excited"

"Who are you congratulating? What am I missing?" Max asks looking at each of us in turn.

"Alex here is the proud new owner of what will surely be the best club in town!"

"Oh wow, that's wonderful news Al! Congratulations, how did this come about?"

"Let's just say it's eighteen years' worth of child maintenance from my long lost father!"
Me and Roxy laugh.

"And I was thinking" I look at Sammy "I want the club to be opened in memory of Si, I'd ideally like to name it after him but Si's club doesn't have a good ring to it!"

"That's a lovely idea Al" Roxy says.

"I see what you mean, how about mixing his name in with yours, Sial, Alsi, something like that!" Sammy says.

"Yeah, that's something to think about" I don't need to think about it, it sounds stupid, but I'm not about to voice my opinion when he's only trying to help! "I'll give Stan a call and find out what the next step is, we need to get this show on the road!"

"Let's drink to that" Sammy says, as we clink our glasses together.

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