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"Are you awake?" Roxy knocks lightly on my bedroom door.

"Yeah, come on in"

"I haven't seen you all night, thought I come and see how your holding up!" I move my feet over and she sits on the end of my bed.

"I came home straight after my set! I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything...... Kitty declared her undying love for me tonight!"

"You're kidding me!"

"Wish I was! I love her to bits but I really don't want things to get weird!"

"I hear ya, but I don't think Kitty would let it get like that, she's far too down to earth! We all know she has a thing for you but she's not the type to go all bunny boiler on you!"

"I know" my phone dings three times in a row.

"Maybe I spoke to soon!" We both laugh.

I pick up my phone and open the messages.
The first ones from Sammy
'Dinner tomorrow sweet cheeks xx'

The next two are from Stan
'Hi Alex, if you're not busy tomorrow David and I would like to take you out to dinner.'

'Meet at the club at 8? Stan.'

I read out the texts to Rox,
"So what's it to be, bonding time with daddy or a meal with Sammy that will almost certainly lead to some amazing....... dessert!"

"Oow, decisions decisions! I can't decide for you but as one of your best friends I can advise, I would suggest spending time with Stan would more than likely be your best option!"

"Yeah, I think you're right"

"On that note I'm gonna let you get some sleep, sweet dreams Al"

"Night Rox"

she turns my light off and closes the door.
I send a quick reply to the messages then turn my phone off so I don't have to deal with Sammy's response, as soon as my head hit the pillow I'm out like a light!

Feeling well rested and refreshed after a nice long soak in the bath I get myself ready for dinner and walk to the club.
Just before I get there I see Stan and Dave walking towards me, they both greet me with a smile and Dave sticks his arm out to flag down a black cab.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we all climb into the cab.

"Ooow it's a lovely little restaurant, Stan and I discovered it a while ago now, you're going to love it Al, the food is just simply to die for!
How have you been darling anyway? Figured out what colour you're going with in the living room yet?"

I chuckled "No not yet! But, yeah I've been good thanks"
I feel a bit awkward, I hope it's not gonna be a struggle to find conversation starters all night, I slide round in my seat to face Stan,
"What have you guys been up to, anything interesting? You're not around as much as usual lately"

"There is a good reason for that, one I think we shall discuss over dinner with a nice bottle of wine." Stan said

"Sound intriguing"

"Not much further now" he says

The cab pulls up outside a cute little Italian place, Stan pays the cabby, opens the door, steps out and holds an arm out for me.

We wait just inside the entrance to be seated.

"Ah Mr Hayes, how lovely to see you again"

"You too Jez, how's business?"

"Booming, things have picked up nicely! I'll show you to your table, your guest is waiting"

What bloody guest!

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