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We made our way down to the main bar just as sammy walked through the front door.
"Thought I might find you here, the door was unlocked" he said.

My heart beat extra hard at the sight of him, I found my self imagining briefly the possibility of a future here at the club with a man this beautiful, I linked arms with kitty and walked towards the front door.

"Kitty, have you been given the grand tour?"

"I have indeed, we were about to go for lunch, would you like to join us?"

Oh crap! This could be a tad awkward! I wasn't sure how much these two knew about my involvement with either of them!

"Another time maybe, you girls go on without me, could I grab the keys from you Al? I want to have another look around and jot some ideas down, if that's okay"

"No problem" my heart was beating ten to the dosen as I handed him the keys and hurried out the building, I'm going to have to be truthful with kitty I owe her that much.

We were seated at a corner table in the little Italian place Stan had brought me to the first time I saw the new club, I have a feeling this  restaurant could become a regular haunt for me. We had ordered our food and kitty had gone to use the bathroom, I was preparing myself for a conversation I wasn't entirely looking forward to.

Kitty sits down and smiles at me, it's now or never.
"I like him!"
Kitty looks around "who?"
I'd of laughed if I wasn't shiting myself over what I was about to say next, I really didn't want to hurt her.
"Me too, what's not to like, he's cute"
"No, I mean... I really like him kitty"
My heart ached for her as a look of realisation fell over her face.
" I wanted to tell you, we'll be spending a lot of time together as he'll be running fanta Si's with me .... we have amazing chemistry", I cringed inwardly, she didn't need to hear that!
"I'm sorry kitty, I love you to bits, our friendship means everything to me"

She sat silent for a minute befor speaking.

"Al, when I told you that I loved you I wasn't expecting anything in return, I didn't want  a commitment from you, a relationship or any kind of emotional attachment, I told you because it was something that was playing heavy on my heart and I needed to release that! My feelings haven't changed but I never want to compromise what we have. Our friendship is worth more than that, I want to stand proud by your side as you venture into this next step of your journy, just to be a part of that will be plenty good enough for me, and you deserve this, I want to see you happy and if Sammy is the one to put a permanent smile on your face then that's good enough for me."

In true kitty style she knew exactly what to say, I leant over and gave her a hug, pouring all my gratitude into it.
"I'm so blessed to have you in my life"
Our food arrived, I pulled away from Her and smiled.

We talked about plans for the club over lunch.

"So, is the place actually in your name?"

"Yeah, we'll I guess so" The envelope Stan had given me was in my bag, I reached down and pulled it out! "Let's take a look"
I opened the envelope and pulled out all the bits from it, kitty took some of it and started reading while I took a smaller envelop that was amongst all the papers and  tore it open.

"Yep, it's all In your name, God this is so exciting, your very own club, it's going to be amazing shorty! I can see it ... fantasize, the hottest club in town, your gonna rock it!"

I sat still, a fork full of pasta forgotten on my plate.

"Whats wrong?"

"This man is insane! I can't accept this!"

"What Are you talking about, of course you can!"

"No, look!"
I handed her the cheque I held in my hands.

"Fuck a duck Al! Fifty thousand pounds!"

"It comes with a note....
Alex, please don't try to give this back to me, you can accept it! I have covered the cost of all the renovation work on the club, so this is for you to make it your own. I see it as a twenty year old debt that I'm finally starting to settling so please, enjoy. Stan."

A tear sneaks out and traces it's way down my cheek, kitty leans over and wipes it away "Good things happen to good people shorty!"

Outside the restaurant I wave as kitty heads off in a cab then I make my way back to the club hoping to catch Sammy.
The door swings open but there's no sign of him, I walk through to the back room and find him stood talking to two guys I didn't recognise.
"Oh Al hi, good, you got my message!"
"I havent checked my phone, I just stopped by on the off chance you'd still be here"
"Well these guys are gonna talk us through the renovation plans, they are overseeing the work, if you have time that is?"
"Sure, I have nowhere else to be"
"Give us a minute guys"
Sammy walked towards me and took my hand in his stearing me from the room.
"Whats wrong Ali?" He asks with a genuine look of concern.

How do I even answer that! Nothing is wrong, in fact things couldn't be more right!
"I don't know really, I guess none of this has sunk in yet, I'm so grateful but it's just too much! I feel a bit kinda dazed"

"You're not working tonight are you, let me take you out, it will take your mind off things"

"I'd like that, thanks"

"Come on" he kisses me on the forehead "Let's go see what these guys have in-store for this place"

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