9 1 1

I made my way back to the staff room feeling a little excited but apprehensive at the same time. Roxy was showered changed and ready for our night out, she was sat chatting to Sky.
Page was practicing on the pole, but got down when she heard Rox ask
"What's up Al?"
"Nothing" I said, but knowing I couldn't hide anything from her I added "has anyone noticed the blond hottie out there at all?"

Willow wandered over from the kitchen and handed me a drink "You're gonna have to be a bit more specific chick" she said

"Ok" I began "so this totally smoking hot guy was stood at the end of the stage, he actually took my breath away! And very nearly put me off my stride, He gave me a note"

"Haha, that's why we're here Al, that's what keeps a roof over our heads and food in our bellies babe" Page said with a hug for me.

"No, not that kinda note, well yeah that kinda note too! but I mean.... look" I handed her the two fifties

"Woah" she exclaimed while the others joined us, she handed the fifties around. "And there was me, hoping I had you all to myself tonight" she added with a sigh.
I giggled at her outspoken jest as she pats me on the bum and goes over to the cushions.

"That's a bit OTT! have you ever seen him here before?" Sky asks

"No! Never and I would definitely of remembered if I had"
I look at Roxy.
"I know we have plans Rox, so what do you think? We can sneak out the back or stay here for a couple, completely your choice seeing as I let you down last night"

She didn't even hesitate "go get changed, we don't wanna leave Mr hottie waiting!"

I grabbed my bag and made a dash for the shower room,
I heard Sky telling Roxy to not leave me alone with this guy and that she has a bad vibe about the whole thing, then she walked out for her set.

She knows full well none of us would abandon each other in such a situation, she gets 'bad vibes' about everything, especially when it comes to men!
She's an amazing caring person, the only full on lesbian among us, she often calls us greedy, we usually reply with something along the lines of
'enjoying the company of male and females doubles our chances of fun!' Or 'says you with your limited options'
Rox finds this banter amusing as she's the only straight one here. Such a shame.
It's not all that often that a shower In the staff room equals alone time but tonight I'm thankful that Paige didn't follow me, I'm eager to get to the bar.

"Do you see him?" Rox asked
I scanned the bar area but didn't see him anywhere.
"No" I said, feeling a little disappointed as well as relieved.

We weaved through the crowd towards the bar.
"Well, Max will be finished in a bit, let's grab a drink while we wait"

We both order a passion fruit martini, one of my all-time favourites!

They're placed on the bar by the lovely Laney. "You guys were awesome tonight as always" she said with a smile, I'm digging through my purse when a hand appears in front of me and a voice (Barely audible over Skys dance track) says "please, allow me ladies"

I look up with a gasp, it's him, I look to Laney as she takes the money and disappears then I look to Roxy who has a curious grin on her face, she thanks him and mumbles something about being right back. I watch her as she moves to the end of the bar to talk to one of our regulars.

I turn to face him feeling a little uncomfortable with this situation I seem to of landed myself in.
The back door, I should of just gone through the bloody back door! He raises his glass and says "here's to the night"
I think it's a little presumptuous of him to assume I'll stick around all night, but I take a sip and say 'thank you', not quite sure if I'm thanking him for the drink or the tip from earlier, either or, I felt a word of thanks was in order!
Oh God he's gorgeous! I hope I didn't just say that out loud, man oh man I wanna eat this guy up!
He interrupts my inner babbling.

"Alex, relax! I didn't ask you to meet me here with any ulterior motive in mind, I simply wanted to sit and have a drink with you, get to know you a little, is that a bad thing?"

"No, it's not a bad thing, it's nice, I just wondered why, I have never even seen you here before, how do you even know my name?"
Oh for God sakes Alex, try to play it cool! Just breath.

"I've been around"
He says with a chuckle.
"I like to blend in to the background, but you have aroused my curiosity, that doesn't happen all that often"

I'm lost for words, what do I say to that without sounding like a complete tit!

He saves me from responding
"It's a little noisy in here, could we go outside, I could use a smoke"

"Sure" the fresh air might clear my head a little anyway, I finish my drink and follow him towards the door, Rox grabs my arm as I walk by.

"Don't think for one minute you're ditching me again Al!"

"Relax Rox, I'm just stepping outside for some fresh air, meet me out there when Max is done and we'll go."

On my way out I catch Stan watching the hottie, he follows him outside so I hang back for a sec, I can see them talking? Stan points his finger at the guys face and then toward the club. Hotty just chuckles back.
What the hell is that all about!

Stan comes back in, I don't want him to see me so I wait till his back is turned, slip out the door unseen and walk over to the hottie.

"Thought I'd lost you" he says with his cocky grin

"I don't even know your name!"

"Alex this is Sammy, Sammy this is Alex, better known amongst friends as Al!" Max says as he hangs one arm loosely around my shoulder, Roxy walks up to all three of us and winks at Max "ready to go?"

Midnight DancerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora