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Roxy walked into the staff room and slumped down In between me and Willow on the corner sofa, I had her drink already poured, she picked it up and made a toast. "To other people's Money, may they never stop wanting to shove it into our pants!" We laughed and clinked our glassed.

The twins Angel and Jade walk through the door and join us, seeing as they are working all night in the cages tonight they get a few half hour breaks for a change of outfit and whatnot.
Jade comes over and plants a big kiss on each of our heads while Angel makes herself busy in the kitchen calling out to us "anyone need a refill"?

"Wish I could my Angel but I have a job to do! I say as I stand up to leave"

She comes over to give me a hug,
"your adoring fans await and there are plenty of them tonight, it's buzzing out there, have fun"

I love these girls, I smile fondly at them all as I check my reflection in the mirror and head out to the awaiting crowd.
I have quite the following despite the fact that my show is a tad different from the rest of the girls. Stan agreed to me becoming a dancer with one condition, I had to remain clothed throughout my set, he claims that the reason he stipulates this is to do with my age, I wasn't going to argue, it was a step in the right direction as far as I was concerned.

Some of the other girls have specific songs that they like played to walk on stage to, I like to be surprised by the music I dance to and the in-house DJ 'DJ Ray' has me sussed, he never fails to make me smile with his song choice.

Tonight, while I place one foot in front of the other and swing my hips like a cat walk pro, he's managed to pick out a song for me that has me grinning from ear to ear.
I walk round the edge of the stage smiling down at the men and the occasional woman crammed at the front with their five and ten pound notes at the ready, I love this feeling and hope I never tire of it.
A few notes are thrown to the stage before I even start, wolf whistles and cheering spur me on while DJ Ray announces my name.

I grab hold of the pole with my right hand and spin around it slowly with my head flung back giving me an upside down view of hands clutching money and smiling faces.

I work my way up the pole leaving my legs wrapped around the top I flip back and grab the middle with both hands then do the splits in mid-air giving my audience a view I knew they would go mad for.
The beat picks up as I seductively twist turn and flip around the pole like it was something I was born to do.
Roxy taught me well and I picked up the moves really quickly, building the strength up in my muscles took a long time but I love every minute I'm on that pole, it's almost feels like a part of me.
The feeling of immense pleasure it gives me knowing that these guys are all horny for me can be quite powerful.
I slide down my pole and on all fours I stick my silver gee string clad ass in the air as I make my way over to the crowd, notes are shoved into every bit of clothing they can find, there isn't much of it, the added garters I wear high on my legs give them more opportunities.
As I near the end of the stage I notice a guy, he stands out from the rest of the crowd for two reasons. One, he's stood stock still watching my every move. Two. Oh my fucking God this man must of been sent here from heaven! It almost hurts my eyes to look at him!
I reach the end of the stage and this beautiful specimen of a man calmly reaches up and places a fifty pound note in each garter, I wink at him and try my hardest to not wobble as I stand up.

I make my way to the curtain while Ray announces to the crowd that I'd be back in five and now would be a good time to grab a drink.

I stepped behind the curtain and was surprised to see Dave walking towards me.
"Everything OK?" I asked, normally we just take this little breather to put the money aside and have some iced water to cool us down.

"Alex my lovely, everything is fine, Stan asked me to come and see if you were OK, he asked if the guy with the blond hair stood at the end of the stage did anything to upset you, says you had an odd look about you as you left!" He pressed his finger to his earpiece, listened for a second then added "he also says you don't have to go back out there"

Stan loves his girls and would do anything to make sure none of us came to any harm, sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed by his protection, not that it creeps me out, but for me it's just a little too much. I've had to stand on my own two feet for a long time! I've tried to talk to uncle Si about it a few times and he just brushes it aside saying things like 'Chill Al, he's just looking out for you lot' but I get the feeling that he 'looks out' for me more so than he does with the rest of the girls.

"Tell Stan I'm fine and perfectly capable of finishing my set, the 'guy with the blond hair' tipped extremely generously, it just threw me for a second!"

"OK kid, if you're sure" he kissed my cheek and walked away leaving me to set the last of my money aside.

I couldn't help but check the fifty pound notes to make sure they were real! They were and they also had a message written on them, one of them said 'please would you consider' the other one said 'joining me at the bar for a drink'
Is this guy serious? He could have his pick of the bunch! I don't even get my kit off!

Well if he is serious he's gonna be disappointed, I can't let Roxy down again, but I am quite intrigued by him, maybe I can persuade her to stay here for a just a little while!

I step out onto the stage to finish my set, but my mind is elsewhere. I turn around, take a deep breath and try to focus, Ray blends another awesome track into the last and I feel my body sway to the music, I can't help but glance to the far end of the stage, he's still there with a cocky smile plastered on his gorgeous face, he winks, I blush and turn to the pole feeling a little flustered, please let me get through this last bit without making a prat of myself I silently pray!

Luckily the new move I've been working on goes without a hitch, I handstand against the bar hook a leg round and spin gracefully around, I didn't fuck it up even with my thoughts resting with blondie over there!
As luck would have it, the rest of my set had no fuck ups either, in fact I was rather pleased with tonight's outcome, the girls were right about the crowd.
I looked up to the cages that were hanging from the ceiling by big black metal chains, gave the twins a thumbs up and disappeared back through the curtains.

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