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Roxy is howling with laughter! We are out on the dance floor and somewhat inebriated at this point.

I get that dancing is a vertical dream of a horizontal desire, but my God! I'm lucky I still have my clothes on! It's almost like Sammy and Page are having a dance off, and I'm their pole!
They are both grinding up against me! I feel like a piece of meat sandwiched between them, don't get me wrong, I'm loving the attention but I need a breather.

I manage to escape them and find my way to the back door that leads out into a spacious courtyard.
I need some kind of plan, I'm tempted to just sneak off and go home but there are a couple things I need to get to the bottom of!
I like to think I'm observant and my gut is telling me that something isn't quite right!

What was the heated discussion that I witnessed between Stan and Sammy all about, just before we left?

And Sammy! What's his deal, something just doesn't sit right and I fully intend to try and figure that out.

But perhaps now in my drunken state isn't the best time to try! I'm gonna need a clear head so I decide to tackle it tomorrow and try and enjoy the rest of the night!

I'd made up my mind as to what to do when Sammy finds me, I'm stood with my back against the wall of the club. He slowly walks towards me with the usual grin on his face, he places his hands flat against the wall either side of my head.
"Here you are! Thought I'd be going home alone for a minute there!"

I should be used to this by now but he manages to leave me speechless every time he speaks!
He laughs at my stunned expression and places his hand on the side of my face, "you are too cute for words, I just wanna scoop you up and put you in my pocket".
I know I'm short, I normally hate being called cute but coming from Sammy, it's not so bad!
He closes the gap between us, bends down and kisses the tip of my nose.
"Let's go get a drink sweet cheeks" he drapes his arm around my shoulders, we walk back into the club and head to the bar.

Sammy, it would seem, has this uncanny ability to render me stupid, I need to sort my shit out!
Yes he's breath takingly gorgeous but I seriously need to get a grip!

Page and Rox are at the bar getting the next round in, page see us heading towards her and a look of disappointment clouds her face.
I can't have that! She means the world to me! I throw my arms around her as she says "I thought you'd left without saying goodbye"

"Would I do that to my page!"
With a smile on her face she leans in for a kiss, her second attempt wasn't thwarted and I embraced it, needing the familiarity.
Her lips are so soft and comforting I found myself not wanting to let go, her hands roamed down my back and came to rest on my bum, she pulled me closer to her and edges her tongue into my mouth, the feel of her breasts pushed up against mine had me tingling in places that made me wish we were anywhere other than a crowded club!
But we are in a crowded club so reluctantly I pull away from her.
I give her a wink letting her know all is good between us, she smiles and says, "go dance with your boyfriend, I think he needs cheering up" I kiss her on the head "but make sure he knows ..... that's round one to me!"
Roxy laughs and High Fives Page.

I look round to see Sammy stood with his arms folded and no grin on his face for a change 'ha' all of a sudden I feel like I've regained some control over this situation! welcome back Al.

I walk over to Sammy with new found confidence and grab his hand, this time I lead him to the dance floor and begin to use him as my pole, his cocky grin is fully restored!

We are soon join by the others, Roxy and Max are dancing together and Page and Kai have teamed up.
I really am enjoying myself and feel a little elated at the fact that I have the hottest man in the club by my side when from out of nowhere up steps this scantily clad busty blond, I recognise her as belonging to the group of girls that have been giving me daggers all night.

She stands in between me and Sammy, looks over her shoulder at me and says, "my turn nun! I think this guy needs a real woman"

"Be my guest" I say with a fake smile, feeling kinda embarrassed about the outfit I decided on for tonight.
I walk toward Roxy, she smiled at me, looped her arm through mine and led me away. I didn't look back; I didn't really want to see the busy blond dancing with the hottest man I've ever had the amazing fortune to lay my eyes on.

We end up back at the bar after grabbing our bags, I would of been perfectly content to go home at this point.
"You are not gonna let some guy, I don't care how hot he is, ruin our night!"
She orders shots of Sambuca, as soon as they were placed on the bar we picked them up and downed them, she beckons the bar tender over to refill our glasses, I don't feel too good after the fourth round and dash to the ladies! I don't think I'm gonna live this down!

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