Chapter 4

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  Kat woke to the smell of bacon cooking and voices down stairs. She looked at the ceiling of the room Lilly had told her she could have as hers.  With a dark wood floor, pine paneled walls, and a cream ceiling, it created the ideal room for her.  The comfortable bed was covered by a flannel quilt that went with the coziness of the room.  Somewhere Lilly had found a quaint writing desk and chair, as well as a sofa bed identical to the one she'd seen in the parlor.  All together it made a perfect setting.  

  A knock sounded on the door, followed by a deep male voice, "Miss McKay, breakfast is ready when you are."

    "I'll be right down", she called, jumping out of bed. Swiftly she threw on her pants, shirt, boots, and leather jacket and jerked the door open to reveal Rye Talbot waiting in the hall.

   "Good morning Miss McKay! Lil suggested I come and get you for breakfast, before the crew eats it all!", he greeted her, wearing a big, albeit sheepish smile.

   "Oh, thank you! I haven't slept so well in a long time, please accept my apologies", she replied.

  Rye grinned even wider and shook his head, "No trouble ma'am! I'm glad you slept well, err.. sorry to seem forward."

   "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Talbot.", she assured him. It was kind of him to care, most men back home the men often had too many manners to worry about seeing if she slept well.

  He ducked his head, ears reddening, then gestured for her to follow him downstairs. Once in the kitchen Kat was caught up in the hustle and bustle a Twin Buttes breakfast. Lilly and Hope labored over the stove top, while Daniel and Zane could be seen through the large double doors in the dining room setting the table.  Happy and Gavin brought in more wood while Billy poured coffee into cups.  Red walked through the door just after the others, covered in hay from feeding. Rye pulled out a chair for her as everyone sat. She smiled at him and took her seat.

   "Morning Kat!", Lilly called cheerfully as she came in the room holding a large plate of biscuits.  

   "Good morning!", Kat returned the greeting, "I'm so sorry for oversleeping!"

   "Oh goodness no!  I figured you deserved a solid night's sleep after that trip!  I tried to let Zane do the same, but apparently he was up at the crack of dawn with the hands anyway", the blonde woman gave the big Texan a rueful smile.  Ducking his head shyly, Zane hid a small smile at the good natured ribbing.

   "Trying to get that man to take a break is like trying to teach a bull to sit down - it doesn't happen very easily."

   The whole room burst into laughter at her statement.  

  Spring sunshine warmed the air as everyone exited the ranch house

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  Spring sunshine warmed the air as everyone exited the ranch house.   The group approached a small building near the horse barn, surrounded by hitching rails.  Last night Kat had learned this was what they called the saddle house.  Opening the wide barn doors at the front of the structures, Lilly stepped inside.  Kat followed closely behind, taking in a deep breath of the familiar and comforting scent of leather and horse sweat.

Against All Odds: Trail to Twin Buttes Book 1Where stories live. Discover now