We met the dance teacher, her name was Mrs. Jacobs. She explained to me how the dance competitions were gonna work and what we needed to do. We went home  to get what we needed. Dance clothes and all that stuff and left. The bell had just rung when we got back to class and I changed into my clothes.

"Hello class, I am glad to introduce Olivia and her friends into our class. This is gonna be a good year for all of us with the new additions. I'll let Olivia explain to you how this year is gonna play out."

The class applauded as I stepped forward. "Hey guys! So this year we as a class will be competing in competitions every couple of weeks throughout the state. There will be three different dances per competition: group, solo, and duet. And before every competition we will have a dance-off to give you guys a chance to perform in the competition whether it's solo, group, or duet. Today I will put you guys into groups of two and explain what happens next." I gave everybody their partners and had them sit next to each other. 

"OK so there are different forms of dancing. There's contemporary, jazz, hip hop, salsa, cha cha, Bollywood, samba, disco, and many many more. Every week I will teach you a different form of dance. You and your partner will then use the rest of the week to create a dance based off of what you were taught. You will have to create your own costumes and props if you decide you want to use those. And come that Friday, you will have to perform your dance will costumes and all. I know its short time, but come that Monday after you guys perform the people for the duet and solo will be chosen. Even if don't get a solo or duet, you will still get a chance to compete in the group dance."

One of the guys rose his hand and I gestured to him. "Will those who get a solo or duet still perform in the group dance?"

I shook my head. "That is a good question and no you wont be in the group dance. Anymore questions?" I looked around the class and when nobody rose their hand I kept going.

"OK so the first lesson will be contemporary. Contemporary dance is a popular form of dance which developed during the middle portion of the twentieth century and has since grown to become one of the dominating performance genres for formally trained dancers throughout the world, with particularly strong popularity in the U.S. and western Europe. Although originally informed by and borrowing from classical, modern and jazz styles, it has since come to incorporate elements from many styles of dance, but due, to its popularity amongst trained dancers and some overlap in movement type, it is often perceived as being closely related to modern dance, ballet and other classical concert dance styles." I paused giving them to take in all the information. I started pacing around the room as I taught.

"In terms of the focus of its technique, contemporary dance tends to utilize both the strong and controlled legwork of ballet and modern dance's stress on the torso, and also employs contact-release, floor work, fall and recovery, and improvisation characteristic of modern dance. Unpredictable changes in rhythm, speed, and direction are often used, as well. It sometimes also incorporates elements of non-western dance cultures such as elements from African dance including bent knees, or movements from the Japanese contemporary dance Butoh. There is usually a choreographer who makes the creative decisions. He/she chooses whether the piece is an abstract or a narrative one. Dancers are selected based on their skill and training. The choreography is determined based on its relation to the music or sounds that is danced to. The role of music in contemporary dance is different from in other genres because it can serve as a backdrop to the piece. The choreographer has control over the costumes and their aesthetic value for the overall composition of the performance and also regards to how they influence dancers’ movements. First we are going to go over narrative dancing. Narrative dancing is telling a story through dance. And I know you are thinking, 'isn't dance supposed to be telling a story anyways?'. Yes it is, but this is different. Narrative is giving a message that flows with the lyrics or music of a specific song. Now this dance we are gonna show you is about the games we play when we first enter a relationship. Jacob here is my partner and he is kinda a player that is like irresistible to me. Every time he touches me, I get this feeling in my gut that I have to resist. There is this constant tease between us hoping one will give in. Are you guys ready to see it?"

There were cheers throughout the room as we got into our place. The music started and we danced, giving our all into the dance. Putting as much emotion in it as possible. Pulling and pushing each other. Twirling and jumping around. There were cheers as I tried to catch my breath at the end of the dance. 

"OK so now you see what it looks like. With the way I held my body and touch away from his shows you that I tried to resist him. But with his consistence in coming after me it showed that he wasn't the same player I thought, and I finally gave in to him. OK so now you and your partners will create a narrative contemporary dance and perform it on Friday. The song you have to dance to is 'Say Something'. OK get to work." 

Everybody started talking to their partners and creating choreography for the song, while I just sat and watched. A knock sounded on the door and in came my manager Josh. "Uh excuse me, can I borrow Livvy for a few."

Mrs. Jacobs looked up at Josh and shrugged. "Yeah sure go ahead." I walked out the room with Josh and continued down the hallway. "What's up Joshy?" 

He rolled his eyes at the nickname I gave him. "Have you forgotten already? You have to perform for Dancing With The Stars tomorrow and then go and do The X Factor on Wednesday." Oh shoot I totally forgot about that.

"Crap Joshy it's barely been the first day of school and I already got stuff to do? I thought we were gonna wait till I got settled in before I started traveling again."

He sighed. "I know that Livvy, but this has already been planned for weeks. You can't just back out of it. We need to leave soon so you get there as soon as possible and get some rest before sound check early tomorrow morning. I checked you and the others out already so we just have to head to your place and pack a bag. You ready?"

"Yeah I'm ready." We walked out the school talking and laughing and getting into our cars. I felt someone's stare and searched the parking lot. I spotted Malcolm with a group of guys standing off to the side. He was gazing intently at me so I did the only thing that I would normally do. I smiled awkwardly and waved at him. He smiled at me, chuckling a little because of my awkwardness, and waved back. I turned my car on and peeled out the lot and down the road.



This Popstar Has A Mate?!?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora