4: New Friend

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"I'm so sorry!" TaeHyung said as he hung his head low. "It's okay" the boy said as he held up Tae's chin.

TaeHyung look into his eyes, he slightly blushed a little as he look away.

"My name is Jungkook, I didn't see you here. Are you new here?" The boy said.

"My name is TaeHyung and nice too meet you. Yes I'm new here, may I know where to go to English class?" TaeHyung said.

"Really? That's so coincidence! Let's go together then." Jungkook show his bunny smile as he take his stuff from his locker and walk beside with TaeHyung.

(Time skip, they reached their class)

Once they reached the class. Mr lol tell TaeHyung to introduce himself.
"Hello, my name is Kim Tae Hyung! I'm would love to make friends with you guys!" TaeHyung said as he show his box smile.

Just then, the girls in the class were fangirling of how cute TaeHyung is and the boys in the class, some were jealous and some was about to be gay for TaeHyung.

"Oh nice to meet you TaeHyung. You may sit behind Jungkook." Mr lol said.

TaeHyung nodded his head as he walk towards Jungkook and sit behind him. "Hello! It nice to see you again" TaeHyung chuckle as he smack lightly on Jungkook's back causing Jungkook to turn his head to face TaeHyung.

"You can call me Kookie, if you want" Jungkook said. "You can call me TaeTae if you want too" both of them smiled at each other.

Why is my heart beating so fast? Jungkook

TaeHyung wave his hand in front of Jungkook's eyes. "Hey, did you listen to me?" Jungkook flinch a little and look at TaeHyung. "Yes?" He said.

TaeHyung sat on his chair and cupped his cheeks. "May I have your phone number?" TaeHyung asked. "Sure this is my phone number. **********" Jungkook said as he key in his phone number in Tae's phone.

TaeHyung felt a little sleepy so he fell asleep. When he was about to sleep soon, his seat beside him, the chair was being pull out, he thought is Jungkook so he continue to fell asleep. But when he felt there's a pair of hand  on his thigh Taehyung open his eyes and smack the hand away. "Who are you?!" He look up to see that the classroom were lock and there's nobody inside the classroom only left him and a boy.

"My name is Jaemin" he smiled as he sit on the chair facing TaeHyung. TaeHyung keep a distance from him and he cover himself. "W-what are you doing just now?" TaeHyung start to stutter. "Oh I'm sorry that's just one of my weird habit, you may go to your PE lesson now" Jaemin smile innocently to TaeHyung. "Thanks you. And nice to meet you" TaeHyung smiled at him as he walk towards the door.

He twist the door knob.


"The door is locked" TaeHyung said as he turn behind to see that Jaemin was smirking at him as he walk closer towards TaeHyung.

"Yah! S-Stop!" TaeHyung started to become panic as he turn back to the door and started to bang the door. "Anyone out there! Could you please help me?!" TaeHyung shouted.

TaeHyung ran to the back door and knock on it. Jaemin give a evil laugh as he sit on the Teacher's table looking at how panic TaeHyung is.

"Aish!" TaeHyung sigh in frustrated as he stay in the corner keeping a far distance away from Jaemin.

Jaemin walk towards TaeHyung with a smirk plastered on his face. TaeHyung move away from the corner and ran to his seat taking his phone out of his bag, he throw his pencil case towards Jaemin and quickly run towards the teachers table and hide under the table.


Erm.. where are you?


Tae? Where are you? We are at hall playing ball games right now.


I'm in the class right now, the doors is lock and I'm scared please come please

Just then Jaemin take away his phone as he drag TaeHyung out from the table. "Who did you message to?" Jaemin asked almost half yelled.

Jaemin throw TaeHyung's phone on the floor causing a crack screen on the phone. TaeHyung move till the corner but Jaemin hold TaeHyung's leg and pull him closer to he. "Where do you think you are going?" Jaemin said as he put his both hands on TaeHyung's thigh, looking at him. "TaeHyung. I really like you, since I have see you just now. I wanna make you mine."

TaeHyung push him away and run to the back of the classroom hoping jungkook came to his rescue.

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