Chapter 22 : Aichi and Kourin

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The chapter was cut out so I made it all over again TvT
Some scene is inspired from the anime 'kami Nomi zo shiru sekai" when katsuragi met kanon-chan desu~

PS. But I ship katsuragi with chihiro. Cause its canon!!!

Kamui : anyone call me?

Shuhhhhhh its not you katsuragi kamui!! I mean the famous katsuragi keima!!

Onto the story!!


Aichi's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and stare at the white cieling (you see whatvi did? Its ciel XD )above me. I slowly get up from bed and rub my eyes. As I turn on the light and see the time. 6 o'clock on the morning. I walk to the window and opened the curtains and the window. As the morning air entered my room, the door opened.

"Aichi! Wake up! Oh, you're awake! That good! Cmon, you need more food for the final day of the tournament today!!" Said Emi as she smiled to me.

I smiled back and answer "okay emi" and then she closed the door leaving me in the room.

I wall to my dresser and take my deck. I smiled as I remember when I won against Aisyah-san yesterday. I glanced at the calendar. Today is 31st October, the last day of the high school cardfight tournament and kourin's first concert. Alone... Yeah alone... I still can remember her worried face yesterday when we was going home.


"Ne, Aichi... Do you think I would screw up on my concert?"

"No you won't, just believe in yourself kourin!!"

"I'm just so scared..... It's the first time I'm in a. Big stage all by myself whithout anyone by my side...."

"You're not alone, everyone is there for you kourin. Just remember that. Everyone is here with you.... "

"Everyone is here, with me, this is.... My home....." Then she stop and stare at the the road while her hand was on her chin.

"What's wrong?"

Kourin smiled brightly and hug me tightly "oh my god, thank you so much Aichi! Yore really helpfull!!" Said Kourin. "Promise me, you will come. Just you.."

I just stand there staring at her as she pulled me to the others. I smiled and said "yeah, I promise. I will go there and see you"


She hug me, that was the second time she hug me. The first time was when we were walking home together that day. I can't stand but thinking that her face is so cute. Okay, snap out of it Aichi! You need to go to the tournament and win it for her and then see her concert with the others!!

I walk out of my bed room and closed the door to get ready for today. I just have a feeling that today will be a unusual day.

After I get ready, I eat my breakfast with emi and mom. Mom can't stop cheering me and said that if she can she will go to the tournament herself. I chuckle and look at the clock and leave the house. We will win this tournament and made kourin proud of us!!


"Hey guys, ready for today??!!" Ask Naoki.

"According to the information, our apponent today is Fukuhara high." Said shingo.

Everyone nodded and we walk to the stadium. As we look at across the stadium, the fukuhara high team was chatting. I see Ren, Asaka, and Tetsu. Ren waived and smile to us. I smiled back. Just wait, I'll go to your concert kourin.


Third Person POV

The clock strike 3 pm. The blonde idol sit in her room. She was writing in some piece of paper. She put the pen down and read the paper. At the same time, the door opened. A grown up man enter the room while holding a tablet.

"Why did you call me kourin?"

The blonde irol turn her gaze and answer "can I sing a new song at the end of the concert?" Kourin ask.

"What song?" Ask the manager as he takes the paper. "When did you make this?" He ask.

"I just made it yesterday night after the tournament. I get some inspiration so I made the song. It won't be hard just to give a me a little time to play guitar and sing by my own in the end right? The other crew didn't need to play to" she answer.

"Well, I supposed so.. I'll talk with the crew." Said the manager as he walk to the door "and kourin, get ready for tonight. You don't want any failure aren't you?"

Kourin nodded as the manager exit the door. Kourin glanced at the clock and Kean in the coach you will come. Won't you Aichi?


I made this chapter in my way to school 0-0


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