Chapter 4 : That Card Shop

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No ones POV

"how's the others doing? " Kai ask on the phone.

"everythinb is fine Kai-kun. Everyone is haply and play vanguard as usual" Aichi answered.

"good to hear that youre not sad because of me. Is there anything interesting happened there? " said Kai.
"well,  there is a new girl on school name Kourin and we're frirnds"

"new friends? You're getting better at making friends aichi"

"thanks Kai. Sometimes I can see her as the girl version of you.  She's so cold at times and rarely smile unless in the front of her fans"

"fans?  Is she famous? "

"she's an idol.  And of course she's beautiful and smart to!!  Her grades are High at classes." Aichi explained.

"hm.... I need to go now Aichi. Later! " Kai end the call.

"Later Kai-kun! " Aichi said.

"huh....." Aichi sighs. He stare at his phone for a while staring at every detail it have.  And then he moved to stare at the window. It was starting to rain lightly.  Some people on the neighborhood was running to avoid the rain. 

Aichi stare at the grey sky.  The winds blow and the sound of raindrops fill the atmosphere. Aichi closed the window and go to the living room.

"it's raining again" said shizuka. "good thing I already finish the laundry" she smiled.

"hey Aichi!  Have you closed your room window? " Emi ask carrying a jar full of cookies.

"yes I have" Aichi answered.

Aichi turn on the tv and watch some movies.  Emi sit with his bug brother on the couch. Both staring at the tv.  Shizuka giggles seeing her kids together.

"mom,  can I go outside? " Aichi ask.

"go  where? " shizuka ask.

"I don't know.  I'm bored mom.  Maybe just a little walk on the street I guess" Aichi answered.

"fine.  But don't forget to use the umbrella properly.  You always get wet even if you have an umbrella with you" explained Shizuka.

"Kay mom.  See you later!! " Aichi take a blue umbrella and closed the door.

"Aichi like to go outside these days"said Emily.

"teenagers with their problems.. " shizuka mumble.

The blue haired boy walk trough the town.  He passes some houses, store, parks.  He just walk in the rain with his blue umbrella. Soon enough he sees a card shop down the road. The shop wasn't to crowd. The shop zeros to be have standing for a few years.  The name sign was a little old and the place was old to.  It's But it's not the shop that takes his interest.

It's the girl who's standing in the front of the shop. The girl long blonde hair was reaching her hips. Emerald green eyes staring at the store. A green umbrella was in her hand to avoid the raindrops. She was wearing a white with black stripes shirt and white white pants.

"kourin, what are you doing here? " Aichi ask.

"Aichi,  what are you doing here? " kourin ask the same thing.

"I'm just walking around. That's all" Aichi answered.

"oh,  I'm just gonna go now" kourin hide her eyes under her bangs and walk pass Aichi.

Aichi turned around and catch kourin's left hand.  "do you want to come in together with me? "

"what? " kourin raised an eyebrow.

"I though you want to go inside the shop. Do you want to go inside?  Besides its raining here outside." said Aichi.

"I...  Just staring at the store.  Because of it have uniqes experience... Haha.. Just staring" kourin was sweating.

A middle aged man was come out from the store and spot kourin and Aichi.  The man smiled to the blonde haired girl.

"kourin!!  It's been a while isn't it? " said the man.

"Kotaro-san... Yeah,  It's been a while since we last met" kourin gives her usual smile to him.

"come in come in! It's raining outside let's talk inside and the boy can go to of course!! " the man name Kotaro said opening the shop door for them.

Kourin sighs and look at Aichi. Aichi was confused but still give a small smile to her.  "I don't mind!  Come on kourin" he said.

"kay" kourin said entering the shop with Aichi.

Both of them entered the classroom.  It's almost looks like card capital but with some old Japanese details on the store.  The place was looks like some Japanese restaurant but with cardfight arena in the table.

The stalls also full of cards and boxes on the room Corner that also full of brand new cards. A little girl welcomed the customers with her little smile.

The little girl looks like in an age of 5 or six.  Her brown hair was tied in 2 sides ponytail. Wearing a red and white dress carrying a small bunny doll. Her smile go wider when she spot kourin.

"kourin-nee!!! " she tackled Kourin.

"Yume, be careful or you'll get hurt again!! " said kourin catching her.

"Yume miss you so much kourin-nee!!" she cried.

"stop crying. Something just happened and I can't visit you guys for a while. " kourin hug her and rub her back.

"ok, Yume won't be sad anymore now!! " the little girl name Yume wiped away her tears.

"my daughter still like you as usual" kotaro laughs. "come, sit with me here!! " kotaro showed them to a table.

"thanks kotaro-san.  You're nice as usual" kourin said sitting down with Aichi.

"ehm.... What is this place? " Aichi ask.
"this is my family cardshop. This cardshop already stand for a while.  Before this place turn into a cardshop, this place is a Japanese traditional restaurant" Kotaro explained.

"I like to go here even before this place become a cardshop " said kourin.

"oh..  So that's why this place look a little old. " said Aichi looking around the room.

"well well,  kourin!  I'm glad to see you here again!! " said a girl giving them two cups of tea.

"Aisyah!" kourin stand up and hug the girl.

"it's been a while since I see you. You're getting more beautiful every time I see you" the girl smiled to kourin.

"thank you aisyah.  You're as nice as always" said kourin get back to her seat.

The girl was wearing a purple veil with a long purple skirt reaching her knees and white long sleeves shirt that was written in Arabic language. Her eyes was pink and wearing a red apron.

"I know it's been a while but why don't we have a cardfight? " Aisyah said.

"a card.....fight? " kourin shocked.


I'll give you kotaro, Yume, and Aisyah pics and some info in the next chapter. And don't mind about Austin.  She's my OC


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