Chapter 16 : The Interview

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Rinny- So,  I enter this story for the watty awards. And be glad because I enter it so that I have something that makes me want to update this book quickly.

And after that I'm gonna make some Len x Reader books or one-shot.  And maybe that spice Len using some sad songs or some cute songs.  He's so cute with those blue orb-

Aisyah - smack me with a book//

Rinny - the fuck??? .

Aisyah - sorry,  she's a fangirl of Len

Rinny - of Ciel to!! And Sebby also,  and of course Levi and yato and tomoe.  And I also love hayate! And Meliodas and-

Aisyah -  smack// yeah..

Third persons POV

"geez, where is she??!!! " the manager groan while looking at his watch every minute.

On the corner of his eyes.  A young girl ran as fast as she can to the car direction.  "Finnaly!!" said the man as he opened the car window.

"Kourin! Get inside!! We're late for your interview!!"

The girl stopped at the side of the car and bend on her knees taking her breath.  "i'm...  I'm so sorry. "

The manager groan and look at his watch again "get in!!  15 minutes till the show began and we need to hurry!! "

Kourin nodded and open the back door seat.  She entered the car and the car drove to the studio.




The sky start pouring down the water. The Sendai siblings was sitting on the living room couch.  The older one was looking at his vanguard deck while the other one was watching TV as she drink her hot chocolate.

"I'm home!! " called that mom.

"Hi Mom!!" said the boy.

"welcome home mom!! " the girl put down her cup and help their mom carry the baskets full of groceries. "Aichi,  can you Help here a little??!!" said the girl.

"r-right! Sorry Emi" he said while helping carry the baskets.

After all the baskets was put on the kitchen.  The two go back to the living room continued what they do before. Their mom stay in the kitchen to cook thieir lunch.

"up next is an interview with the famous idol, the last member of ultra rare group.  Kourin Tatsunagi!!"

Aichi glanced at the TV screen revealing a presenter talking to the audience.

"Wow, Kourin Tatsunagi!!" said Emi.

"what's with kourin? " ask Aichi.

Emi give a facepalm and finish her drink "as expected from my brother he doesn't know anything besides vanguard.  Well she's an idol from an idol group called ultra rare. But the other two member died in a car crash a few months ago.  So she's alone now.  If I'm in her position,  I won't being an idol again and have a normal life. But it turns out the girl almost more famous than the ultra rare!!!"

"right" Aichi sweatdrop and put down his cards on the table.

"you're watching this?"

"I have my own reason Emi. Wow,  that really is she"

Emi look at her big brother carefully and notice his worried expression. Emily shrug it of when she heard the show was starting. 

"hi everyone!!  I'm kourin Tatsunagi.  It's nice to see you all!! "

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