Chapter 11, Revelation: You've already killed me

Start from the beginning

“Now you think I’m lying,” She raised her eyebrows proudly as if she had proved everything.

“Wow, genius.” I replied sarcastically. She laughed a little and then looked back at me. She looked awfully caring when she smiled like that.

“Cathy, you’re my daughter. I understand you more than anyone else.” She said. I stayed silent for a few moments, just watching her, because I didn’t know how to react.

My dad’s wife had never really connected with me. I told myself it was because omegas didn’t deserve families. But it turned out that she wasn’t even my family. I wonder if she knew. How could she not know?

“You know I’m right,” She whispered, edging towards me slowly.

Maybe she was right.

And maybe I had wanted a mom, like every other wolf in my pack.

I watched them at the dinner table, hugging, talking. I listened to their conversations in the living room. I saw them walking in the forests.

And maybe little Cathy had wanted power, but big Cathy wants a family.

Unfortunately, my family consists of a man that cheated on his wife, a woman that tried to kill her children, hundreds of dead half-siblings and two werewolf half-sisters that were intent on hating me at the moment.

I’d love to see our Christmas card photo.

I sat up, and that’s when she jumped at me.

I screamed.

But… she wasn’t attacking me.

Her arms were… around me.

She was hugging me.

And I was crying. Into her shoulder.

And my arms were around her too.

And it felt right.

Mom,” I wept, trying not to let my tears stain her clothes.

“Shhh,” She cooed, and that was the first time I’d ever seen her kinder nature. Whether she was putting it on to fool me or not, I felt comforted and I felt safe. And that’s all I wanted right now. I wanted security. I wanted to live.

Sure, I’d hugged Lucas before. I’d made love with him too, but I’d never really felted loved. He was my mate and I was sure that was the only thing keeping him bound to me.

But now, in the arms of my controversial mother, I felt more loved than I had ever been.

I finally had someone. I was no longer the omega, craving every single bit of attention she could get. I was no longer the alpha, struggling with the attention I’d brought onto myself. I was a daughter.

I was loved.

“I’m sorry,” I blubbered, not sure what I was apologising for, as she had been the one intent on killing me, but I felt like I had to say it.

“I know,” She stroked my head and held me closer.

I had missed this every day of my life for 20 years and I sure as hell wasn’t going to miss it for 20 more.

So, did that mean… I was changing sides?

I pulled away from the queen suddenly, realising what I was doing.

My side, my fight, my innocent pack. I could leave them just for some motherly love. Everyone had told me that I had responsibilities now and being selfish was something I could not afford.

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