Chapter 5: Introduction

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Ilhoon shook Minjoo's hand and slowly drifted into the familiar feeling of her hand. Before he got too distracted, he let go and got up from his chair.

He said his goodbyes and left the cafe, turning back to see Hyunsik guide Minjoo out; they were probably heading back to the hospital. He looked at the just risen sun. Ilhoon felt the light breeze surround him as he stood taking in everything. If he could fix his friendship with Sungjae, Ilhoon would finally feel free and happy. He didn't care if Minjoo couldn't remember him, and didn't care if he wasn't the most important person to Sungjae anymore. He just wanted his life to be normal so he could focus on more important things.

Ilhoon made his way home to find a small cat outside his door. For a few minutes, the cat and Ilhoon stared at each other, both not daring to break eye contact. Then, Ilhoon smiled and picked it up.

"You're a lost little guy, aren't you?" He asked the cat. The cat softly meowed back in reply. Ilhoon searched for a tag, or some sign that it was someone's pet, but couldn't find anything, so he decided it was a stray. Pitying the cat, he took it in.

As Ilhoon set the cat down, he quickly looked up how to care for a cat. He decided to take it to the vet and got it checked out.

There, he discovered that the cat was a female. He decided to name her Tori.

When Ilhoon got home, he set Tori down and observed her. She was a quiet cat, not making any noises as she creeped around the apartment. When she turned towards him and meowed, Ilhoon took it as a sign that she was hungry. He quickly set up the supplies he bought earlier and poured in some cat food in a bowl. He watched Tori as she silently slinked over to the bowl and began eating. As he observed her, Ilhoon realized that it was about lunchtime and started looking for some food to eat.

As always, there wasn't anything that he could cook with, so Ilhoon just grabbed a packet of ramen and started boiling some water. Once it finished cooking, Ilhoon quickly slurped up the noodles and studied the cat.

'How am I ever going to take care of a cat when I can barely take care of myself?'  He wondered to himself.

Once Tori finished her bowl, Ilhoon watched her flee from the room; probably to explore the apartment.

As he gets up to clean his bowl, Ilhoon's phone rings. Curious, he flips over his phone.

Yook Sungjae.

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