Chapter 2: Denial

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As time went on, Ilhoon felt the bond between he and Sungjae becoming loose. Ilhoon tried everything he could to could prevent the drifting—but he eventually gave up. He was simply trying to avoid the inevitable, and he knew it was no use. Sungjae obviously had other things going on, more important things to attend to.

Things that he wouldn't tell Ilhoon.

Every meeting they had was short and simple. Whether Sungjae was there early or not. It was just a few words being exchanged over cups of coffee. Some days it would be tea. Most days it was smoothies. Everyday was lonely.

Ilhoon was curious about what Sungjae was up to, but was worried he might upset him again.

As he recalled the memory, Ilhoon's heartbeat quickened. He didn't want to remember it.

3 days earlier

It was the usual, Ilhoon was waiting for Sungjae in the same cafe with the same smoothie. Ilhoon had made up his mind. He was going to ask Sungjae about what was going on. He couldn't wait any longer. It was obvious that if he didn't ask, he wouldn't be getting an answer.

Ilhoon wiped his sweaty hands on his pants and rehearses his speech to Sungjae. He breathes in and out to calm his racing heart. Of course he would be nervous, Sungjae normally tells him everything, so it's rare to see him be so secretive.

Ilhoon wondered if something happened in Sungjae's family. Whatever it was, Ilhoon wanted to help.

When he heard the familiar sound of the cafe door open, Ilhoon quickly looked up and watched Sungjae's figure make its way to his table.

Ilhoon took a breath and tried to calm himself. After all, they were best friends. What could possibly happen?

He smiled as Sungjae sat down and gave him a smoothie. He watched Sungjae drink the smoothie as he awkwardly tried to talk to him.

"So... Sungjae," he began.

Sungjae put his smoothie down and waited. Ilhoon's heartbeat was racing again and he felt his face burn up.

"Is there... is there anything you need to tell me?"

Sungjae stared at Ilhoon blankly. There was no emotion on his face that Ilhoon could see. Then it happened.

"Why? Do you need something?" Sungjae said sharply.

Ilhoon, taken aback, was speechless. He didn't expect this to come out of Sungjae.

"No.. I'm good, it's just... You've been acting strange lately."

Ilhoon was starting to become a little intimidated. He didn't see the happy-go-lucky Sungjae he knew. Instead, a cold-hearted man sat in his place.

What can I say?

A few awkward minutes passed slowly. Finally, Sungjae spoke.

"Ilhoon, have I ever asked you exactly where you were going? Or what you do?"

Ilhoon swallowed the huge ball inside his throat. He had a bad feeling about where the talk was going.

"Do I ever ask you to tell me anything when you've never mentioned a thing?"

Ilhoon shook his head and stared down at his cup. Blood was rushing throughout his whole face. He was surprised that his face hadn't burned up yet.

"You know that, and yet, why do you do that to me?" Sungjae said exasperatedly.

Ilhoon gripped his cup tightly. He felt a mixture of emotions—anger, sadness, confusion.

"Sungjae... I just thought that something was wrong. Like I said, you've been acting strangely lately. I thought something had happened."

Sungjae just looked down and shook his head.

"If you wanted to know, you could just ask. It's not that hard to talk to me." He said.

Ilhoon shot his head back up and saw Sungjae's lowered head, an obvious annoyed mood coming from him.

Should I say anymore?

He waited a few moments, observing the setting around them. He made up his mind. Ilhoon already went so far, and there was no backing out. It could only go deeper. Waiting any longer would just result in Sungjae leaving him alone with his chaotic thoughts once more.

"Then, can you at least tell me what you've been doing? I'm just worried about you."

Sungjae looked out the window.

"I made new friends. There, are you happy now?"

Ilhoon stared at Sungjae. This was the reason why he kept avoiding Ilhoon?

"That's it?" Ilhoon asked.

Sungjae nodded his head.

"Why were you keeping it such a huge secret? I thought something had happened!" Ilhoon exclaimed.

Sungjae shot up and glared at Ilhoon.

"I only kept it a secret because of you. Sometimes you get so damn clingy, and it's really annoying. You're always begging for attention when I'm trying to enjoy my time with other people, and I'm getting sick of it."

Breathing heavily, Sungjae realizes what he just said and hurriedly gets up and out of the cafe, leaving Ilhoon behind to take in his words.

He quietly looks out the window.


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