"Are you serious?" she half chuckled.

"Why not?" I laughed as I playfully pushed her. "You too good to go to a M.T.S?"

Before she could even answer the question, I answered it for her. "Oh wait, I forgot. You're Crystal."

Crystal was too good for everything. She always somehow found something to complain about for everything. Even if I offered to take her out to eat, get her nails done, and take her shopping, nine times out of ten she would find something to complain about.

"What is that suppose to mean?" she asked as she folded her arms.

"Nothing," I turned my nose up. "So you coming or not?"

"Why would I want to see t-r-u-c-k-s just randomly d-r-i-v-e around all day? That's for guys."

"That's not true," I sucked my teeth. "And that's not all that they do Crystal. Stop being ignorant and close minded."

"Whatever Rakim," she rolled her eyes. "Don't you need pre-tickets anyways?"

"I have an extra one," I sighed. "Can you please just get some shoes on and come?"

"Why do you want me to go so bad? You have your son, so what more could you want from me?"

I sighed as I prayed for the Lord to help me.

"So we can all do something together that's why Crystal. Is that okay with you? Nothing I do is ever good enough but when I try to do things that benefit all of us you always have to find something to complain about."

"How is a M.T.S benefiting me? I don't want to look at that stuff Rakim," she complained.

"See, that's exactly what I'm talking about," I sighed. "Afterwards we can go where ever you want. Happy?"

A slight smirk spread across her face as she rolled her eyes, before leaving and making her way up the stairs. Ten minutes later she returned. She had on a different outfit, and of course, a pair of shoes.

She wore a loose fitting brown windbreaker that hid her baby bump, black jeans and a pair of tan Sperry's. A black messenger like bag hung on her left shoulder and her hair was still pulled back into the tight ponytail that she had before.

"Happy now?" she gave me a fake smile.

"Yes, now lets go before we're late," I replied as I placed Cameron over my shoulders, and made my way towards the front door.

Crystal removed her keys from out of her bag and locked the door behind us. As soon as she double checked to make sure the door was locked, she quickly threw her keys back inside her bag and replaced them with her cellphone.

Today was going to be a long day.

Of course the whole car ride there, Cameron questioned us about what we were spelling out and where we were going. When we finally arrived, I guess be figured the surprise was worth the wait. He was so excited he could barely keep still.

Because the tickets for the show weren't sold by seats, we had to try our luck to find us some. Luckily we got there in reasonable time, and found three seats that weren't too close to the seeing gate, but not too far away either.

After getting settled into our seats, I decided to visit the concession stands to buy us some snacks to hold us over until we grabbed something after the show. I got myself a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, Cameron a hot dog, and Crystal a pretzel.

Crystal insisted on me not buying her something, but I did anyways. Despite her always being hateful towards me, I could never find it in my heart to do her the same way. We have our moments where she pushes me to have no choice but to snap on her, but if she ever needs anything, I have her. At the end of the day she is the mother of my son, and use to be a lot more than that.

Once the show was over, we decided to go and get some real food. Cameron wanted McDonald's, I wanted TGI Friday's, but Crystal wanted Texas Road House. Earlier since I told Crystal we could go where ever she wanted afterwards, she was the one who chose where we went to eat.

Although I had a taste for Friday's, Texas Road House was cool too.

Luckily there was no wait, and we got a table in no time. Once our waiter brought us fresh rolls and a bucket of peanuts, the man took our drink and meal orders shortly after.

Afterwards, just like I had expected, an awkward silence washed over the table. Cameron was busy coloring the book that the waiter gave him, and Crystal was busy with her nose in her phone. I decided to text her just to be childish, as I stared to spark a conversation with Cameron.

"Did you like the monster truck show?"

"Yes!" Cameron replied excitedly. "It was really loud though!"

"Your head doesn't hurt does it?"

Cameron shook his head no as he made a funny face.

I laughed at how silly he was as my cellphone suddenly went off, indicating that I had a text. I figured that it was Crystal texting back, and with a look at my screen, I figured right. I looked up to see if she was looking at me until I replied back to the text, but instead, she sat there, nose still in her phone as if she wasn't the one who had just texted me.

Why you not talking?

> What is there to talk about?


As soon as the message went through, I heard her phone vibrate soon after. As soon as she read the text, she suddenly looked back up at me and rolled her eyes.

> As in ...

Our relationship

> As in ...

Crystal you know I'm talking about just as friends. We already tried to 'make it work' for the sake of Cameron and it didn't work out, but that doesn't mean you have to hate me.

> Why are you being so nice to me all of the sudden?

I can't be nice?

> Not without a catch. You were the one who broke up with me and claimed you didn't want anything to do with me. Now you want to 'talk' and be friends and think everything is lollipops and cupcakes. What do you want from me?

I just don't want you to be bitter towards me and have an attitude about everything. Why can't we just let the past be the past and move on from it?

> Because it's not that easy. I feel as if you're trying to skip over the fact that our relationship didn't end on a good note and pretend that we're friends just to put on an act for Cameron. If you want the 'past be the past and move on from it', we need to address it first. You act like I'm bitter just to be. I'm a human being with feelings too.

Well can you tell me how you feel?

"Please," Crystal said out loud as she rolled her eyes. "It's not like you care. You never did."

I let out a sigh as I knew tonight wasn't going to end well. Crystal is always hiding her feelings and thoughts, then expect me to be a mind reader. She then placed her cellphone back inside her purse as the waiter approached our table with a tray full of food.

Perfect timing.

As our waiter handed us all our plates, he hurried off after wishing us an enjoyable meal. Cameron wasted no time digging into his chicken fingers, as I unwrapped the napkin that contained my knife and fork. Crystal just sat there staring at her plate before excusing her self from the table and staring for the direction of the bathrooms.

"I'm not even hungry anymore," she stated.


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