Chapter 29: I'll be back for you

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Rachel's POV

So we couldn't talk to my dad's friend face to face because he's in prison for robbery, drugs and rape. They call him Kid Ink because of his tattoos that covers his entire body but his real name is Christopher Brown or Chris. I was too scared to go in that prison so I stayed in the car. About thirty minutes later, he came back and without another word, he drove off. I wonder what happened in there.

- Dad, is everything alright?

- Where do you live?

- Where do I live? In the shelter... with you.

- No. Where's Joe Brown. Where do you live?

I swear, my heart was about to explode when he told me that.

- It's too far from here.

- That's why I'm driving. Listen, Rachel, we don't have much time! Just tell me where he lives!

- Okay, okay, I will!

I told him my previous address and I'll probably regret that for the rest of my existence. Before I knew it, we parked next to this pink bricked house with three windows in the front and a stoned stair case. The worst house in history.

- Stay in the car, Rachel.

- Why? Why can't I go with you?

- Because I said so. (A/N.: I hate it when my parents say that.)

He ran to the door and slammed it. Great. My heart was pounding in my chest and it was getting darker by the minute. Alone in a car and I am afraid of the dark. I was almost high ventilating the whole time and I couldn't stop moving around my seat. You see, those are the times when I would love to have Prodigy by my side.

An hour later, and dad still wasn't back. My head was hurting. I couldn't take this darkness and car anymore. It's a good thing he forgot to lock the car doors. I ran to the door of Hell and the first thing I saw was Joe on the floor and my dad on top of him. The whole house was in a complete mess! They didn't even realize that I was standing there, starring at them. 

- Dad what are you doing?! I screamed.

- Beating his ass! That's what I'm doing!

Joe tossed him off of him and stood up. I stared at his face and I remembered all the pain I experienced with him. All I have is pure hate towards Joe.

- Well hello shawty! Long time no see.

I almost stumble on my feet and fell on the ground. His voice! Goddamn, I hate it.

- Touch my precious daughter and I'll shoot yo' ass!

Aww, he called me precious!

- Where you even there when she was growing up? You actually call yo' self a father? Damn, you got some guts to say that. It's because of me that she sexy and healthy! That she has clothes on her body. Ain't you that did that shit!

- You liar!

- Liar? Maybe your "daughter" can tell youé

- R-Rachel, is that true?

The problem is that Joe was partly saying the truth but he was partly lying too. I stayed locked up in a kitchen with no food whatsoever. No food for the WHOLE night. And I can't go an hour without munching something in my mouth. 

- N-no... He's lying, I said with my face down. 

- Bitch! You bitch! You're lying, you are lying!

- Shut up Joe! You belong in jail and that's where yo' ass gon' be stayin' fo' the rest of your horrible life.

- I didn't kill Daniella! Kid Ink jelly of ma ass 'cause I'm richer than him! All this nigga wanted was to sell the bish ass to make a fortune out of him. That nigga a fuckin' ass liar! Trust me bruh, Kid Ink killed that bitches ass. 

- Nigga, don't 'bruh' me! You want ma life 'cause you want ma wife! You shot her ass 'cause of your jealous intentions. Nigga, no need to lie. Imma call the police and hopefully, you'll be locked up fo' the rest of yo' life.They might just kill you in there after hearing what you've done.

No one noticed that I was crying the whole time. The police came, minutes after and arrested him for good. I went outside, in the cold night, and sat on the stair steps. My dad was talking to one of the cops. I saw Joe Brown enter in the police car and he stared at me for a long time. Not knowing why, I stared right back . I got up and walked near the police car. 

- W-why'd you do this, Joe? 

- It's all about the money, Rachel. All about the money. 

- Y-you killed my mother for a simple piece of paper?

- Yeah and look at me. A nice car, big ass house, best weed... I guess we're even.

Yes but all of these stuff don't mean shit anymore. You are going to jail and prolly won't be coming out of there forever. It still isn't convenient to me because my mother is dead. 

- What do you mean?

- You lied, Rachel. 

- No, I didn't lie.

- You know how I feel when people lie to me.

- Joe, I didn't lie! You barely fed me. You never bought boots for me in the winter and you didn't raise nor love me, you abused me! 

The police told me to step back from the car. I looked at him for the last time. And that's when he said:

- I'll be back for you, Rachel.


Ouhhhhhhh!!!!!! scaryyyyy........  :O

Well the good news is that he's in jail now. 

The bad news is that Rachel probably scared to death:/ 

Yea, I would have been too! 

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- Alexia <33

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