In to the maze

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I thinking of ending this story right now, I maybe change my mind. Next update is going to be a lite bit of myself.   


"Klunkheads are you going to eat or are you going to stay here? Dosen't matter for me, more food for me" Gally say and walk out to stand in line to get food. The pack and the three glades goes to stand in line behind Gally to get Frypans. This reminds Thomas of the first time he got to the glade, one of his happy memory of the glade.

Nobody's pov

The next day

"Thomas!, Thomas!" Minho say trying to wake up the boy. "What do you want?" He say rubbing his eyes. The walls is open, wake up the others."

5 minutes later

The glades and the pack is having a meeting about what they should do. "The runners should make out the map first, who knows if they have change anything" Gally says. The pack that didn't have no idea what they were talking about look at each other to see if the other had any clue . "You have to  be jacked if you think I'm going to stay in this bloody hell" Newt say. "Got it" Minho say agreeing with his friend. "How many are voting for getting out of here now" Minho ask the other glades. "So that's was easy." Most of the glades voted for getting out except Gally and four other glades that wanted the runners to see if WICKED had change anything. "We are going as fast as everyone is ready."

"Why want Gally that the runners should see if they have change anything." Isaac ask Stiles/Thomas. Derek who had stood with his arm cross with his typical glare that Thomas has received so many time before decide to talk

"What could they change it's a maze."

10 minutes later by the entrances to the maze

"Now or never" Minho says running in to the maze with Thomas running beside him. The pack and the rest of the glades ran after them. They did't get far before they hear the door closing faster than it should. They hear another high noise. "What is that sound?" Scott ask. "That's the sound of a griever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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