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I started to rewriting and saw all the grammar and spelling mistakes, and sometimes It doesn't make any sense at all. My brain (very much of the time) think faster than my fingers can write so it makes no sense.
I'm so Sorry that my story doesn't make any sense, I'm so embarrassed for those that have/are reading my story. Sorry!!

I know this chapter is short and I'm a little bit stuck with this story, at the time. Once again, sorry that this chapter is short but it better than nothing.
Done writing this chapter 3am in the morning.

Nobody's pov

The second in command was outside under the stars watching the sky and thinking what the could have be if they wasn't stuck here. *Newt what are you doing outside? Hi Tommy. I'm doing nothing, just watching the stars.* The runner sat down beside Newt watching the moon surrounded by stars. *Do you think we have family? Do you think they are looking for us?*the former runner ask. Even if the are looking for us or not or if they dead we are going to get out of here Thomas says to Newt. I promise.

[Another memory]

The keeper of the runner and the new greenie was standing and maps their running route. *I'm glad you came here, not glad that you here in this shit hole....you know what I mean. We are lucky to have you. You have only been here 3 days and you have already done so much. We are the first to survive one night in the maze, you are the first person to kill a griever.*  The keeper of the runner say. * By the way Newt smiles more now than he did before.* Minho say.* He does?* Thomas say. * Yeah, before you came he was serious that's why he became second in command.*

Stiles/Thomas pov

Newt?....Minho?....Uhh my head. What happen, where are we? I see the others lying on the floor. *Urh,Stiles where are we* Malia ask. *I think I know where we are.....* The rest of the pack and the glades wakes up. The roof opens and the blue sky is the first thing we see until I see people surrounding us.* Welcome gree...greenie?*

Back to Beacon Hills (TW/TMR)(slow update)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ