Chapter 33 | Game

Start from the beginning

But I was wrong.

Luhan, the sports crazy man and his boyfriend Sehun decided to sit next to me. Which was fine, I didn't hate either of them. I just hadn't talked to Luhan in years.

"I hope Jackson plays a good game tonight." Sehun smiled at his boyfriend.
"Yeah, I hope he does too. If he doesn't do well tonight he could be kicked off the team."
"What? Why?" Sehun asked.
"Apparently he's been missing a lot of hoops lately. Hasn't been himself. Coach says if he doesn't get his stuff together he gets the boot."
"Of course you would know, you're part of the team."
"I know, and I would have played today except someone decided to give coach a lecture about my health."
"You know you shoul-"
"Hey Mark, what's up?" Luhan asked, interrupting his boyfriend and desperately trying to get out of the conversation.
"I'm doing well. How are you, Lu?"
"I'm alright. I heard what happened with you and Jackson. Sorry about that man, but you could do much better."
"I know." I laughed, and he gave me a friendly grin.
"Jackson's such a troubled child."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you know, his parents are never home, so he's alone all the time. He's never really had anyone. Then he got in with the wrong crowd. Typical teenager. Never known a real relationship... actually... I don't think he's ever been this depressed over a break up. I think you were the one." Luhan laughed, and I had to laugh too.

But inside I was screaming.

"It's too bad he ruined it."
"Would you ever go back? I mean, you broke up with him so obviously you don't love him. But if he loved you, like really loved you, would you?"
"I don't know."
"I wouldn't blame you. If I were you I would never be able to decide. Especially if I loved him."
"Wait, who do you love?!" Sehun interrupted, but we both ignored him.
"Ayo! Ladies and gentlemen... are you ready for the biggest game of the century?!" A deep voice over the loud speaker interrupted our conversation, I gave him a smile and turned to face the court, a signal to 'watch the game'.
Everyone in the crowd screamed 'yeah'. Except for me.

I was shaking.

"Let's introduce the teams!" Coach Smith yelled from the court, and in a matter of seconds Eastwood high's basketball team was running out onto the court.

My eyes scanned the faces.

Jinyoung came out first, followed by Eli, Kevin, Jun, Yoon, Soohyun, Kiseop.


I couldn't tell, but my hands were gripping the steel bench like my life depended on it, and my legs were trembling.

He looks tired.

A sudden hand touched mine and I nearly jumped out of my skin.
"Relax, Mark. Remember what we're here for." Hoseok whispered in my ear.


I gave him a stern nod as he placed his hand in mine and leaned his head onto my shoulder.

I wish he felt something.

"Thanks for being here, Hobi."
"Be quiet and watch the game."

It's okay though...


I didn't feel anything either.

Falling for Jackson Wang | MARKSONWhere stories live. Discover now