9- The fight

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No POV::Present day

POP, the two adults and Lucy hit the floor before regaining posture and getting up helping Lucy to her feet "Harry where's Draco?" Hermione asked looking around "Oh is he not here?" He asked half happily "No" she replied walking off holding Lucy's hand and pulling her off with her "Maybe he's stuck" Harry suggested "The. Capacity! It was meant to be 4 but there's a spring missing so it wouldn't work" Hermione sighed "Oh well he'll cope" Harry shrugged earning a smack round the head from Hermione "Owwww Hermione" he complained "Harry I know you have differences but we need to put them aside and get Malfoy back so he can help us fix the time turner" she scolded "Alright, Alright!" He said putting his hands up in mock surrender. They both walked back into the living room where the Weasley's were gathered "Where's Draco?" Molly asked "Apparently the capacity of the time turner was only 3 not 4" Hermione said taking Lucy over to Audrey and Percy "Oh well" Ron shrugged "He'll live" he added "That's what I said!" Harry pointed out to Hermione who smacked Ron over the head and Ginny did to Harry "Nice to see you too" Harry muttered to himself "You've been gone 10 minutes" Ginny snapped "Honestly Harry how do you live with her" Ron complained "Harry get your Mirror" Ginny sighed.


Everyone was sat eating dinner, the past people glared at him obviously not used to this version of Draco. An uncomfortable silence sat in the room as everyone ate, "Can you stop staring at him, he's changed for god sake!" Lily snapped making everyone (past) turn their heads from Draco to her. "It's ok Lily, I don't mind." Draco smiled awkwardly "No it's not, stop being so judge mental and stop holding grudges." She half shouted "Lily, chill. What is it your time of the month?" James asked sarcastically from the seat next to her "oh god." Albus muttered under his breathe awaiting Lily's next comment. She turned her head slowly, "You know what James, I'm so fed up of your dumbass comments and your stupid mistakes. This is your fault that we're stuck here!" She argued glaring harshly at him "Oh so you are then!" He said smirking referring to his previous question "Your an dick you know that." She spat angrily, "and your pathetic little bitch don't know how to take a joke, you know that." He retorted, "James!" Rose gasped "Ok guys, maybe you should..." Remus interrupted "Oh no! Let him carry on." She said being sarcastically intrigued "oh I could go on, but I wouldn't want to harm you small irrelevant feeling because you'll probably go crying to mummy and daddy. Or maybe cry to you little boyfriend?" He answered harshly, "YOUR SO CRUEL! I HATE YOU." She shouted and stormed out "THE FEELINGS MUTUAL!" He shouted to her, teddy pushed his chair back and began to walk out of the room flicking James on the back of the head in his way out "Owww! What was that for?" He complained holding his head where Teddy flicked him "Are you serious?" Albus spat as he glared at him, "she brought it on herself."

The past generation around the the table watched on shocked that these siblings behaved like this towards each other, the both stood and glared at each other across the table. Gemma noticed that Al's fists were clenched, she quickly stood up and grabbed hold of his arm and pulled him away from the table and lead him out of the room quickly "What are you doing?" He asked her angrily "Getting you out before we have a repeat of last time." She hissed back shoving him out of the room.

Alice put her hand over James' to try and calm him down but he pulled his hand away and stormed out, Alice stood up to go after him but Daisy pulled her down "Let him go!" She whispered to her, Alice sighed and put her head in her hands. Sirius let out a low whistle, "What in Gods name just happened?" He asked concerned, "They're always arguing, but I've never seen them like this." Fred(f) said "It's happened like that once before, but worse." Hugo added "What happened the last time?" Harry(P) asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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