Chapter 1

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The Weasley/Potter/Malfoy/Longbottom/smith clan we're all at Potter Manor as the the parents were all out at dinner and we're just lounging around.

Teddy and Victoire snuggled on the sofa, they have been dating for 5 years now, Albus, Rose and Scorpius were talking about one thing or another, Molly, Lucy, Roxanne, Hugo, Louis and Dominique were playing a game of exploding snap. Everyone was happy until they realised that it was unusually quiet.

"Where are James and Fred?" Rose asked suddenly noticing the calm atmosphere, it was almost never calm in Potter manor there was always noise or chaos in one shape or form.

"And where is Lily?" Albus asked knowing his little so called 'innocent baby sister' was really just as clever and loved a prank just as much as his older brother James did.

"And Alice and Daisy?" Scorpius added. James, Fred, Alice and Daisy were the Golden Marauders, they had take the first bit from the Golden trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione and the Mauderers, James, Sirius, Remus (and Peter but no one likes him) they are also two couples, James and Alice have been dating since 5th year and Fred and Daisy since sixth and with lily alongside them no-one knew what could happen but they knew it would be trouble.

Teddy got up from where he was sat with his arm around Victoire and walked to the one place he knew they'd be with Vic hot on his tail and the rest of the family and Scorpius close behind.

"We're going to dads office aren't we Ted?" Albus asked

"Yes Al, yes we are."


Teddy and the others approached the door of Harry's office that was slightly open and found a thin Hairgrip with flowers on it in the lock Scorpius noticed it and picked it out.

"Al....." he said holding the hair clip up.

"They're in there Teddy." Albus said pointing to the door. They all walked in, the room was very large full of different objects

"Lily?" Teddy asked "Are you in here? Because your Dad's going to be back in a minute." He finished, smirking to himself, Lily was a daddy's girl so would do anything for him. "

What?" She asked worriedly, as she walked out from behind the corner. As she realised everyone was stood there she gasped slightly.

"I"she asked laughing nervously trying to recover herself.

"What's in your hand?" he asked looking curiously down to her hand which had a firm grip on something.

"He's not back Lils and won't be for a while, the map says so." James smirked from the corner where he was stood next to Alice whilst Fred and Daisy were next to lily.

Albus walked over to lily and whispered something in her ear, she immediately gasped and handed what was in her hands to him wide eyed. "You wouldn't" she asked in a dangerously low tone.

"Oh but dear sister, I would." He remarked.

James walked over to Albus and whispered something in his ear, Al once beat up this guy lily liked because all he did was look at her and ask her about homework. The boy then ignored lily ever since, Albus' eyes widened but then grew small and thin and glared at him.

"She knows! Nice try James" he said calmly James snatched the locket out of his hands and held it up.

"Teddy what's this?" He asked.

"James put it down, that's a time turner Dad (Harry) was telling me about that the other day, it can send you back YEARS!" He half shouted as fear grew inside him.

"Alright, alright keep your hair on!" James said as he placed the time turner on the table. Unfortunately he missed and before it could be saved the locket shattered on the floor and the room filled with golden sand and engulfed everyone in it and just like that they were gone.

"Oh no.." Lily whispered.

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