8-Cant hate your bestfriend

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It was the next morning and the night carried on uneventfully. It was 8;00 and only Alex, Alessia, Gemma, James, Al, Roxanne, Fred, Hugo and Lucy were awake as well as P Ginny, Sirius, Remus, Mrs Weasley, Arthur and Hermione who were awake and they were sat around the table "James! How do you put up with Ali's snoring it's so annoying" Gemma complained "You get used to it" he shrugged "I'm never going to get used to that" Rose who had just walked in complained "Good morning to you too Rosie" Hugo huffed earning a look from Rose, At that moment Lily walked in looking very pale, her hair was pulled into a messy pony tail she had tear marks on her face and her eyes looked dull and scared "Morning" she muttered "Morning" everyone said back she sat down next to Gemma where there was an empty space next to Gemma, Lily put some toast on her plate and started buttering it when Alessia walked over to her and hugged her from behind Lily picked her up and put her on her lap "Good morning Less" she said as she hauled the 3 year old into her lap just as Lily was about to take a bite of her toast a large bang came from upstairs followed by another one and some screams "Sirius, Remus, Arthur with me" Mad eye instructed James pushed past him and ran up the stairs "Where are you going?" Alex asked him "Ali, Molly, Vic and Dom are up there" he shouted continuing up the stairs the P adults following him up the stairs.

*in the girls room*

Molly, Ali, Vic and Dom were still asleep when a large bang awoke them, Ali fell out of bed making a large bang again making Molly scream the door burst open and James ran in "What happened?" He asked picking Ali up off the floor "There was a bang and it scared Ali and she fell out of bed" Vic explained laughing slightly "WHO ARE YOU" A shout came from Downstairs "Get your wands" James said taking his wand and running downstairs the girls and the remaining boys following "Vic what's going on?" Teddy said walking out Victoire just shrugged.


"Ow Hermione" Someone complained "Sorry if you wanted a smoother landing you've come to the wrong place" a female voice hissed Lily recognised the male and female voice as did her cousins so she got up still carrying Alessia and ran to where the noise was The Order had there wand pointed at them "STOP" shouts came as everyone from the future realised that stood in front of the order was F Harry, Hermione and Draco "There with us" Teddy reasoned lowering his wand and putting it away as did the order members "Dad!" Lily cried engulfing him in a hug "Lils! Are you all ok?" Harry asked hugging his daughter and checking on everybody who were hugging their parents or aunts and uncles "We're fine!" A chorus of replies came "Harry 2 minutes!" Hermione warned "Lily what's happening?" Albus asked as he walked in hand in hand with Gemma but they quickly let go when they realised their fathers presences (who were both unaware they were together as they would be furious if a Malfoy and a Potter got together), being the people they were luckily didn't realise but Hermione being the brightest witch of her age did and shot them a curious look and they both gave her a pleading one of which she subtlety nodded understandingly to. Gemma gave her dad a hug and Albus did the same but with his dad and his Aunt Hermione who whispered "I know" in his ear "1 minute Harry" she warned again "ok, we have got it working but only for 5 minutes we need to take Lucy back! Your dad wants you safe the others you are going to have to stay until we can get it going for long enough and we can only fit 4 people at the moment. The mum orders are look after each other, Alex your mum said look after alessia and Freddie, Rox your Mum said no pranks! Lucy we need to go" Harry rounded up grabbing Lucy's hand and he, Hermione and Draco all held onto the time turner goodbyes were heard around the corridor and with that they disappeared but not all of them. "Guess the limit wasn't four then" Draco sighed earning a snicker from Scorpius "Well, come in" Molly said ushering Draco in who was glaring at his son.

*Girls bedroom*

All of the future kids were in the girls bedroom along with Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron "It was really weird see my future self!" Harry laughed "I noticed you and Gemma let go of each other's hand earlier when Your fathers and myself were here! Why?" Hermione asked Albus "She noticed in both generations" Gemma laughed "Our dads don't know, only my mum does her dad would kill me if he knew we were together, My dad would be happy but he would not stop annoying Draco that his daughter is with his son so we just have only told mum who worked it out herself" Albus explained at that moment, Fred and George apperated into the room "And what does scorpius think about them being togeather?" They both asked as Ginny rolled her eyes at the boys nosiness "I don't like it but you can't hate al you know" Scorpius shrugged "Same reason uncle Ron can't hate uncle harry" Roxy added "Scorp is Al's best friend and uncle Ron is dads bestfriend and you can't hate your bestfriend" Lily said from where she was sat quietly.

The time turner | Hp Next Generation जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें