6-Special new arrival

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No POV :


The adults were working out a way to try and get the children back. They had called in the ministry to help them one of the people helping happened to be Lily's Boyfriends dad Oliver Wood, her boyfriend Alex wood who was 14 was also there as with his sister Alessia who was 3 as his mum was at work so he went with his dad as he was round there quite often. "Lets leave them to talk" he said picking Alessia up and walking off they were walking in a hall way when Alessia picked a necklace off the side as soon as she touched it Alex and Alessia were surrounded by gold dust and dissapeared.


All of the girls were sat at the table talking with girls from the past and Fred and George "So....Do any of you have Boyfriends??" George asked raising his eyebrows "Same old George" Rose whispered to Dom who nodded and laughed slightly "Obviously Daisy does, so does Alice" Ginny said "Unfortunately in Alice's case" Fred said "Don't let James hear you say that he will beat you up" Lily warned "I've got Al" Gemma said "Lily's got a boyfriend haven't you lils" Dom said nudging her "Have you?" Ginny asked "Yeah Alex Wood" she said quietly "James, Al, Scorp, Fred and Hugo aren't too Fond of him" she added. A bang sounded through the house and shouts were heard "Who are you?" Lily heard a familiar voice and then a small female cry she immediately got up and ran to where the shouts are coming from to find no other than her boyfriend and his sister stood in the hallway Alex's wand pointed at Madeye and Sirius "STOP" she shouted and ran over and picked up a crying Alessia who Alex had put down to deal with the situation and cuddled her until she stopped crying "There with us Sirius" Lily told them "Lil where are we?" Alex asked "1995" she murmured "Oh god!" He said "Sorry who's this now?" Remus asked "I'm Alex Wood and that's My sister Alessia" he said "Wait, Wood as in Oliver woods children?" Past Harry asks, Alex nodded. Footsteps were heard and someone say "What's happening?" "Someone else had turned up" "Guys who is it?" The voice of James said as he approached with Al, Scorp, Fred and Hugo "Oh its you" he said disgustedly "Problem?" Lily questioned threateningly "Nope" he replied quickly.

*In the kitchen*

"Where's Lily and Alex?" Dom asked "Putting Alessia to bed" James replied, It was all the kids apart from Lily and Alex of course and Sirius, Remus, Fred, George, P Harry, P Ginny, p Ron and p Hermione "Why do you hate the Alex kid so much?" Sirius asked the future boys "He's Going out with our sister" Al replied simply "He's not bad you boys just don't like him cause your overprotective" Ali said from where she was sitting leant on James "He seems nice" P Harry said "He's not" F Fred said "I know how she feels, having over protective family is really annoying some times" P Ginny pipes up "but I don't get why you hate him soooo much?!" Sirius said "Well he's just always there and he's always got his mouth on my sisters! You've gotta hate him yano?" James finished Lily and Alex walked back in as he said that with the mirror in hand "I still can't believe you still keep it in there lil" Alex laughed "Its safe there" she replied simply laughing "Teddy Mum wants to talk to you" Lily said Handing Teddy the mirror "Ted?" F Ginny asked "Hey Aunt Ginny" he relied cheerily "Alessia is now your responsibility, Tell the boys to be nice to Alex or Lily has permission to hex them" she instructed "MUM! THATS NOT FA....." James began to protest but was cut off "If you didn't break the time turner and then Alessia wouldn't have touched it and then they would still be here" she argued back "Hermione I have it!" A voice came from the back ground of the future "Is that Dad?" Gemma asked "Yeah Gem do you wanna talk to him?" Ginny asked "Yeah please" she said "Gems?" The voice of Draco Malfoy come through the mirror "Hey Dad, are you ok?" She asked "I'm fine, are you?" "Yeah were ok, so is everyone else" "Alright, be good and look after everyone" "I will, Love you" "Love you too Gem, make sure you and Al keep Scorp in order" he laughed "Bye" she said waving at the mirror as she handed it back to Lily who returned it to where she kept it there was an awkward silence until Mrs Weasley called "BED" and with that they all trudged upstairs to bed into what they didn't know to be a restless night.

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