finding (y/n)

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"Do you have a map?" Gon asked.

The parents nodded and left the room,awhile later they came back with a rolled up paper and set it down on the table. They unrolled it and examined through it.

"Let's check these two first, if she's not there then we check the next two cities." Killua said and the others nodded agreeing.

'We'll soon find her',the four thought.


Two years later they still haven't found her. But they still aren't going to give up.

"This is the last close city we have." Killua said pointing to it in the map.

"Let's go,this is our last chance." Her mother said pleadingly.

Nodding the three left to the airport. Only killua,gon,and (y/n)'s mother are going since (y/n)'s father died a year ago. The three make it to the airport and they buy tickets for the plane. They get the tickets and quickly enter the airplane for the flight. Later the airplane finally took flight into the cloud filled blue sky. 


The three finally arrived to (c/n). But they're going to have to look for her the next day because it's dark already. They go to a hotel and they rest for the night.

In the morning

Killua,gon,and (y/n)'s mother split up to look for her. Gon and (y/n)'s mother look while killua goes around looking alone.

"Where would she be?" Killua asked himself jumping building from building.

He then spots (h/c) hair looking through the window of a store.  He jumps down on to the sidewalk and walks over to her.  He pats her shoudler and she turns around. She gasps in surprise once she see's killua.


"(Y/n)." He says and then he notices a small girl holding her leg."is she your daughter?"

"Yes." She nods and picks her up,"look kari,he's your uncle,killua."

Kari looks at killua and she smiles to him,"ki-ll-u-a." Kari says his name carefully.

"Hey." Killua shakes her small hand.

Kari giggles,"she's two years old now." (Y/n) says smiling.

Killua nods and looks at (y/n)," why did you leave?" Killua asks even though he already knows the answer.

"For love." She simoly answers.

"We missed you." He says.

"I missed you guys too." She says.

She hugs killua putting kari down. He hugs back finally hugging his friend after two years. After awhile they pull away from the hug and they smile.

"Are you here by yourself?" (Y/n) asked killua,"did gon, come with you."

"Yes,he came with me,and your mom came with us looking for you."killua told her.

"Where are they!?" She asked.



He got interrupted by a cheerful voice calling for you. You two look up in the voices direction and see gon and your mom running towards you. They make it over to you and gon tackled you to the ground.

"(Y/n)!" Gon screams in your ear.

"Gon,too loud." (Y/n) says giggling.

"Sorry." He gets up and helps her up.

"(Y/n),we missed you." Gon says smiling.

"Me too." (Y/n) turns to her mother and smiles."i missed you!"

(That's alot of i missed you's)

"(Y/n),why?" Her mother asked sadly."why did you leave?"

(y/n) smiles sadly,"because i love kurapika." She says.

"A teacher."

"Yes,but we really love eachother deeply."

"That was no reason to leave." Her mother says.

"It was not appropriate for a teacher to have a relationship with a student." Kurapika suddenly appears saying.

"Kurapika!" (Y/n) grabs his hand and he holds it firmly.

Kurapika picks up kari with one arm.

"If you knew,then why did you let that happen." Her mother says.

"Because we love eachother and we wanted to keep our love so we left."  Kurapika states.

"That's still no reason to take ny daughter from me." Ms.(l/n) protests.

"She came willingly for our love." He says.


"He took you away from me, your mother." Ms. (L/n) says.

"No, he didn't,i agreed to do this." She says calmly.

"Well,i dont approve!" Ms.(l/n) yells.

(Y/n) gasps,her mother has never yelled at her before. Her mother then realizes she yelled at her daughter.


(Y/n) whimpers and and turns around,she runs away.

"(Y/n)!" Her mother yells after her sadly.

Kurapika turns to her mother glaring at her but doesnt say anything. He rums after her,kari in his arms.

"I y-yelled at her." She says," I've never done that to her."

Secret love:teacher!kurapika x student!readerWhere stories live. Discover now