kurapika's love

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We sat in class listening to mr.kurapika. The class went by quickly and just as he was about to say something else about the lesson,the bell rang. Some of the students put their stuff away and got out quickly. I took my time putting my stuff away and put away some other stuff some students forgot to put away. I was about to leave to my next class but someone held my shoulder.

I turned and saw mr.kurapika holding my shoulder. He has a smile on his face,his grey eyes staring into mine.

"Do you need something mr.kurapika?" I ask him tilting my head to the side.

I see his cheeks turn pink and he looks down his bangs covering his eyes. He looks up again and shakes his head and walks back to his desk.

I stay there for a bit looking at him,then i turn and walk out of the class to my next one.

*Timeskip to lunch time*

I walked out of the classroom and headed to the cafeteria. I walked by mr.kurapikas classroom and saw he looked frustrated. I walked inside and walked up to his desk.

He looked up at me.

"Hello,mr.kurapika" i greeted smiling at him.

"Hello (y/n). What do you need?" He asked giving me a smile.

"Nothing,i just saw you looked frustrated." I said." Do you need help with anything? Maybe i could help!" I offered.

*Kurapika pov*

"Nothing,i just saw you looked frustrated." She said." Do you need help with anything? Maybe i could help!" She offered.

"Um,well.." i trailed off.

"Do you need help with it?" She said," if you want i could skip lunch to help."

"No. No. Its fine." I said quickly.

"Oh! I could come help you after school." She said.

"Sure." I said getting an idea." Just come to my classroom after school."

"Okay! I'll see you later! Bye!" She waved and left.

Once she left my head went crazy with thoughts of my plan.

I cant wait for the end of the day.

*(Y/n) pov*

I left mr.kurapika's clasaroom and to the cafeteria. When i got there i got my food and looked for gon and killua. I spotted them at a booth and sat down next to killua.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them and started eating my food.

"Hi (y/n)!" Gon greeted.

"Yo." Killua said.

"Hey (y/n) do want to come with us to a movie after school." Gon asked cheerful.

"Sorry guys i cant." I said sadly.

"Why not!?" Killua asked.

"Im helping mr.kurapika with something after school in his classroom." I told them finishing my food.

"Okay." Gon and killua said sadly.

Then the bell ringed meaning we have to go back to class. I got my binder and left to the next class with killua and gon. We enetered the classroom and sat down in our seats. Me between gon and killua in the large table.

"Today were going to disect a frog." The teacher began,"so your going to work with the people your sitting with."

"Yes!" The three of us cheered.

"But dont play around." She paused and looked at killua."get a frog and the paper with the information and you may start."

We quickly got up from our seats and ran over to the dead frogs. We looked at all of them and finally picked one after five minutes. We sat down at our table,we put on some gloves and i picked up small scissors and opened the frog. I felt bad for the frog.

"Sorry." I whispered to the frog.

"Dont do that!" Killua said annoyed.

I giggled and pulled open the frog. The frog's insides looked cool but weird. I touched the frogs heart lightly. Gon and killua just laughed lighlty. We then got distracted and forgot about the assignment. We started playing with the insides of the frog pertending it was our insides.

We laughed loudly and the teacher saw what we were doing. She took away the frog and the tools. We had to stay sitting there and wait for everybody to finish.

*After school*

School ended, i said goodbye to gon and killua and made my way to mr.kurapika's class. I got to his class and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard him say.

I opened the door slowly and went inside. I closed the door and walked to mr.kurapika.

*kurapika pov*

The last bell ringed signaling school is over. The class ran out the door leaving a mess. I started cleaning the mess and finished right when i heard someone knock on my door.

I remembered (y/n) is going to 'help me'.

"Come in."

She slowly opened the door and came in. She closed the door and walked up to me. A beautiful smile on her face.

"What did you need help on?" She asked her voice so soft.

I walked to the door and locked it. I walked back to (y/n) and put her against the wall. I stare into her sparkling (e/c) eyes. I put my arms around her waist and pull her close to me.

She stares at me confused not knowing what im doing.

I get close to her ear and whisper seductively, "i need you."

She keeps staring at me so innocently. I couldnt hold back anymore and pushed my lips against hers. Her lips so soft. Surprisingly she kissed back. I wanted more so i licked her bottom lip asking for entrance. She didnt do anything so i squeezed one of her breasts. She gasped and i quickly took an apportunity and put my tounge inside her mouth.

She moved her tounge and touched mine. We fight for dominance and i win. I explore her mouth leaving nothing untouched. I pull away because of the need for air. We breathe heavily from the lack of air.

I know she's too innocent for this but i just couldnt help it. She is mine. My beautiful girl and no one else's. And she's going to be mine i'll be her first.

"Are you ready." I said huskily into her ear.

Secret love:teacher!kurapika x student!readerWhere stories live. Discover now