kurapika a dad

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She waited patiently for the results. She looked at it again and saw it came out positive. She gasped in shock, blinked and looked at it again.

She is pregnant.


The girl looks at it wide eyed. Then her eyes soften and her lips curve into a smile. She is growing a baby in her stomach. She will have a child to carry and have in her arms gently holding. She feels happy and jumps in joy. She couldn't wait to tell kurapika of the happy news.

She starts imagining their family together. Happy with no worries. Nothing to bring them down.

Then her smile turned into a small frown.

What if kurapika denies the child? And he doesn't want the child. What if he wants to get rid of the child?

(Y/n) looks at her stomach and smiles sadly. No. She wont let that happen. If kurapika doesn't want the child then she'll raise the baby on her own.

She looks at herself in the mirror. She nods to herself deciding to tell kurapika.

For the rest of the day she stayed at home and thought of what and how she was going to tell kurapika. Kurapika to her he seems like a understanding person. He seems sweet and caring and that's what she likes about him.

Yeah. He'll never leave,he'll stay.

(Y/n) goes to school the next morning. When she enters kurapika's classroom he looked up and smiled at her,she smiled back and went to her seat.

The rest of the day went by surprisingly quickly. After she said goodbye to her two friends gon and killua she saw kurapika walk to his car.

She knows he'll never leave her but that didnt stop her from feeling nervous.

She makes her way over to him and taps his shoulder. He turns around startled,once he see's her he embraces her in a hug and kisses her lips.

"Hello sweatheart." Kurapika says smiling softly.

"Hello kurapika." She says smiling then it turns into a frown.

"(Y/n),What's wrong?" He asks concerned raisimg her head to look at her clearly.

"Nothing,but...could i talk to you?" She pauses then continued," somewhere else?"

He nods and opens the passenger door for her. He closes the door after her and gets in the car,he turns on the engine and drives on to the street.

He takes her into his house and she sits down on the couch. He sits down next to her and looks at her.

"(Y/n) can you tell me what's wrong?" Kurapika asks worried about her.

"Um....kurapika i--" she stops.

"(Y/n) please." Kurapika grabs her hands and smiles reassuringly.

She nods and breathes in." Kurapika, im pregnant."

She finally says and looks at his face. She starts to get worried by his expression. He's in shock from what he just heard. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

(Y/n) keeps looking at him,getting more worried every second. She feels tears start spilling down her cheeks. She then finally starts crying snapping kuarpika out of thought.

"(Y/n),why are you crying? Dont cry!" He says panicking and holds her in his arms.

She looks up at him tears still in her eyes,"kurapika what do you think?" She asks looking back down.

Kurapika smiles softly and makes her look at him.

"I think......we're going to be a great family." He says and wipes away her tears."smile (y/n)."

She sniffles and smiles for him.

"Thank you for accepting the child." She says smiling happily .

"Well,he is our child." He says pulling her close to him.

She feels herself relax,the sadness going away and happiness overwhelming her. She's going to have a baby and kurapika didn't deny. He didnt reject her or leave her. He stayed. He stayed with her and the baby.

Kurapika feels happy about the baby. He's excited to have a son/daughter. He will always be there for them and will never leave them. Why would he ever want to leave his new upcoming life. With his soon to be wife and his baby.

The perfect family.

Secret love:teacher!kurapika x student!readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя