search for (y/n)

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(Y/n) put kari to sleep in kari's bedroom. She kisses her forehead and whispers goosnight, then leaves the room. (Y/n) goes into her and kurapika's bedroom to sleep. She lays beside kurapika who is reading a book. Kurapika closes his book and puts in the table next to the bed,he looks at (y/n) already has her eyes closed.

"Goodnight,(y/n)." He says and cuddles with her.

"Goodnight,kurapika." She whispers.

Then they both fall asleep.


"(Y/n)?" Her mother goes inside the room but see's the room empty. "Where is she?"

Her mom goes down stairs where her husband is and when she see's him he is looking at a paper wide eyed. She is confused and walks over to him.

"What's wrong? What is it?" She asks looking at her husband.

"S-she left." He said,"(y/n) l-left."

(Y/n)'s mother grabs the paper from his hands confused and reads it. As she is reading her eyes go wide.

"We have to call her!" Her mother puts down the paper and gets her phone.

She dials (y/n)'s phone number and calls. She hears the ringing and it keeps ringing.

She doesn't answer.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

She quickly runs to the door and opens it. Standing in the doorway is killua and gon,both with sad looks.

"Is (y/n) here!?" Gon asks.

She looks down shaking her head."no,she's not."

"She left a letter but it didn't say where she went." (Y/n)'s mom said sadly." Oh! Im sorry,please come in."

She steps aside and lets them come in. They go inside and sit down on the couch.

"Do you boy's have an idea of where she can be?" Her mom asks sitting down.

"No,we dont know." Killua answers," but i dont undedstand."

"You dont understand what?" Gon asks looking at his friend.

"I dont understand the fact that she fell in love with kurapika." Killua says.

"That boy is going to pay."Her mother says.

"Boy? Miss (l/n), he's our teacher." Killua says in anger.

"What!?" Her face shows disbelief," she fell in love with a teacher!?"

"We have to find her!" (Y/n)'s dad goes into the living room." We need to find our daughter!"

"Well,let's start looking." Her mother says getting up.


"Come on,gon." Killua says to his friend.

Gon and killua run out of the house.

Months later

Gon and killua Are sitting at (y/n)'s parents house with them.

"We couldn't find her." Gon said lowly.

"Us either,we asked around town but,no one's seen her." (Y/n)'s dad explained.

"In the letter (y/n) said she had left from the city and went to another." Killua said," so she has to be im some other city but one that's near."

"Right, but what are some near by cities?" (Y/n)'s mother asked.

"Do you have a map?" Gon asked.

The parents nodded and left the room,awhile later they came back with a rolled up paper and set it down on the table. They unrolled it and examined through it.

"Let's check these two first, if she's not there then we check the next two cities." Killua said and the others nodded agreeing.

'We'll soon find her',the four thought.

The next chapter will be updated soon! Thx for reading!

Secret love:teacher!kurapika x student!readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें