Cuteness and Snuggles

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Another chapter for y'all to enjoy!

So the Bella's all live in a house together, but Chloe and Aubrey have an apartment separate  to that because the Posen's and can afford it. It is 5 km away from the pool.


Beca ran after the two, but couldn't find them.

"Think Beca, think! They aren't at the Bella house, because obviously they didn't go in that direction. You're a freaking genius Beca, think! Oh, I think they have an apartment, Chloe texted me the address, because we were supposed to go on a date, but we cancelled because of the riff-off."

Beca found the directions and began to follow Aubrey and Chloe, but thought better at the last minute. She walked to the  24 hr convience store on campus and bought some flowers, two teddy bears holding a heart saying sorry and candy, before making her way up to Aubrey and Chloe's.

 She walked to the  24 hr convience store on campus and bought some flowers, two teddy bears holding a heart saying sorry and candy, before making her way up to Aubrey and Chloe's

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She wanted to hail a cab, but realized she had given her wallet to Chloe when she went to rap.

It began pouring rain. It took her about two hours of trekking through the rain to find the apartment. By the time she reached the apartment she was soaking wet, and sneezing.

She walked up the stairs slowly. She could hear crying from inside the room. 

She paused.

"Do they still love me? I was pretty mean. Damn me. Why can't I ever hold on to something good? I always have to fucking ruin everything! I even ruined the riff off for them." She thought, having second thoughts about everything. 

Sniffling from the cold, she leaned back against the wall, accidentally hitting the doorbell. She jumped three feet into the air. She attempted to run to the stairwell, but the door opened revealing a bed headed Chloe. 

She sighed.

"Becs?" Chloe called out. 

She turned around, and blushed offering her the candy and a bear. 

Chloe smiled. "Awww Beca-bear, come here."

Beca shuffled shyly towards the older girl, completely out of character. 

Aubrey showed up behind Chloe. 

"Babygirl? Why are you so wet! You must be freezing cold."

"Oh my gosh, I didn't even know it! What kind of medical major am I?" Chloe exclaimed, smacking her forehead.

"Chloe, get run a hot bath now, then make some chicken noodle soup."

"Ok." she said, running off.

"Come in, I'll get you a towel, sit on the kitchen table, so you don't stain the furniture."

"Are you mad Bree? I got you a bear." Beca said holding it up. "You sound mad. I'm sorry. I was just thinking to myself I don't want to fuck up, and I'm so sorry I fucked up. I'm just like my dad and my mom, she's right I'm a little piece of shit. And I can't drive you away. I always drive everyone away. You're the best thing  that has ever happened to me and I- " Beca gasped for air as she began crying.

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