Showers, Parties, Cheerleaders and Slushies P2

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A/N As promised, here's part 2 of Showers, Parties, Cheerleaders and Slushies!

*This is just a filler chapter to introduce Quinn and Santana, a bigger chapter will be coming soon....

*Quinntana is already established

Quinn and Santana went to elementary school with Rachel and Beca, but because Rachel and Beca were a few grades ahead, Quinn and Santana were 2 years older than Rachel and Beca. They were in grade 6 together, and were friends, but then Rachel and Beca graduated high school when Quinn and Santana were going into freshman year.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything:)



Waving goodbye to her twin, she got out a washcloth and spray to clean up the mess inside the lab.

After scrubbing a particular part of the floor for 5 minutes, she was finally done. 

Knowing her sister would take at least half an hour in the showers, she decided to head over to the gymnasium to see if they had a gymnastics team. She and Beca used to gymnastics, before dropping out to be surgeons. Grabbing her bag, she locked the door behind her and went on her way.

When she got to the gym, she saw that the gym was full of people watching a cheerleading practice. As she sat there one of the cheerleaders caught her eye. Blonde hair, blue eyes, she looked quite familiar. She winked, and Rachel quickly blushed and looked down. When she looked back up again, she noticed the blonde was no longer staring, and instead a latina girl was glaring at her. Startled, with a sense of deja vu, she began to gather her stuff and left the gymnasium, opting to sit outside on a bench instead.


Quinn and Santana washed up after finishing cheer practice.

"Well at least we don't have Sylvester anymore. We would be dead by now." Quinn said laughing.

Santana just grunted and ignored her.

"What's wrong babe? You're not talking to me." Quinn asked, now concerned.

"You know why I'm mad." Santana snapped, slamming her locker door shut with a bang.

"No I don't. And I can't until you tell-" Quinn began.

"You were flirting with that short midget girl."

"You don't recognize her?" Quinn asked.

"Recognize her?"

"Dude, that was Rachel. Remember? The one who always wore argyle sweaters and twins with Beca..."

"Oh my fucking gosh, that was her!" Santana replied, eyes going wide. "Damn it! I was giving her a death glare!"

Quinn gasped. "You must have scared her off, she was always scared of you!"

"I wonder if she recognized us..."

"I doubt it. I winked and she blushed." Quinn said.

"Ohhh, you still have the hots for her!" Santana teased.

"So do you, S!" Quinn snapped back, turning red.

"So... you wanna propose a threesome?"

"Ya right. Let's just go up to her and say, hey Rachel, haven't seen you in 4 years, you wanna come over and have sex with us?" Quinn said sarcastically.

"That might work...." Santana said thoughtfully.

"Satan, I was joking!" Quinn snickered, slapping Santana's arm.

"All right. Let's think. If it's Berry and Mitchell, what club would they join." Santana quipped.

"Well, computers or music." Quinn replied.

"I think they would have enough smart shit in school, so probably music." Santana laughed.

"Not the Treblemakers because that's a guy group, so either High Notes or Bellas." Quinn said.

"The Bellas are run by two hot women, and were talking about gay Berry and Mitchell so...."

"BELLAS!" they cried at the same time.


A/N Auditions are coming soon!

Stay tuned!:)

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