Showers, Parties, Cheerleaders and Slushies P1

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A/N Hey everyone, thanks for reading!

This is dedicated to TemperanceBooth1: thanks for always commenting and voting for my stories:) Really appreciate it!

Again, don't own anything so please don't sue me!!!!!;)


                  Rachel and Beca managed to book one of the labs at Barden McKinley. It was a few days before school officially started, so not many people were around. They played around mixing a few chemicals together and for a blast to the past made one of the baking soda and vinegar volcano, one of the very first experiments they made together. 

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" Rachel called as the volcano finally erupted.

"Shit!" Beca exclaimed as the gooey substance hit the front of her flannel.

"Language Becs!" Rachel scolded halfheartedly, while laughing her head off.

"Seriously, Rach? Seriously? That's what you're going to tell me now?" Beca said with a fake glare, before bursting out laughing.

"Can't stay mad at me for more then 2 seconds!" Rachel teased.

"Can it Berry!" Beca said chuckling. "I'm gonna hit the showers, I feel disgusting!" Beca smirked, and stuck her tongue out. "Can you clean up?"

"Sure things Becs! I will rendezvous with you in the dorms!" 

"Whatever Ms. Dictionary!" Beca said, running out of the lab, grabbing a towel on the way out.


Chloe and Aubrey had just finished packing up at the activity fair. 

"Hey Bree, I'm gonna go shower. You wanna join?" Chloe asked.

"Sure babe, go ahead first, I'll join you once I return these chairs and tables to the mess hall." Aubrey replied.

"All right, I'll meet you there. Baker Hall, near the labs?"

"Yup. Love you babe." Aubrey said, planting a chaste kiss on her lips.

Chloe ran back to their dorm, and got their things, before making her way to Baker Hall. When she got into the showers, she heard the door open, and the sound of someone singing filled the room. Curious, she headed towards the sound...


Beca sighed as she entered the shower hall with her robe on.

Not thinking anyone would shower during the day, she started singing quietly.

You shout it out, But I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud, not saying much

I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet

You shoot me down, but I get up

Still not seeing anyone she decided to sing a little louder.

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire a-

"You can sing!" came a voice directly behind her.

"Dude!" Beca yelled, whirling around and pulling the curtain shut.

The curtain was pulled back, and Beca was once again shocked by blue LED lights.

"How high does your belt go?" Chloe asked.

"My what? Oh my god!" Beca rolled her eyes and turned towards the back of the shower.

"You have to audition for the Bellas." Chloe said excitedly.

"I can't concentrate on anything you're saying until you cover your junk" Beca said looking at the ceiling. 

"Just consider it. One time we sang backup for Prince. His butt is so tiny that I can hold it with like one hand. Oops!" Chloe accidentally knocked down the bottle Beca was holding.

"Seriously. I am nude." Beca said cowering against the wall.

"You were singing Titanium right." Chloe asked.

"You know David Guetta?" Beca's eyes seemed to light up.

"Have I been living under a rock? Yeah. That song is my jam. My lady-jam. " Chloe said coming closer.

Aubrey walked into the shower hall about to call Chloe's name when she heard her girlfriend talking in one of the stalls. Hearing what the redhead said she stifled a laugh.

"That's nice." Beca replied sarcastically.

"It is. That song really builds." Chloe winked.

"Gross." Beca grimaced.

Aubrey started as she realized it was Beca from the Activities fair. She slowly crept to the stall they were talking in.

"Can you sing it for me?" Chloe asked.

"Dude, no. Get out!" Beca's eyes widened.

"Not for that reason. I'm not leaving here till you sing. So..." Chloe rolled her eyes and tapped her foot, feigning impatience.

Beca sighed and began singing.

I'm bulletproof nothing to lose

Fire away, fire away

A curious Aubrey peeked into the stall as Chloe joined in.

Ricochet, you take your aim

Fire away, fire away.

Unable to resist, the blonde joined in adding in a third harmony.

You shoot me down, but I won't fall.

I am titanium!

You shoot me down, but I won't fall.

I am titanium.

The three girls locked eyes once more and for a minute they didn't say anything.

Beca coughed and looked down

"Yeah. I'm pretty confident about all this. So is Bree."

"Ya, I'm sorry we got off to a bad start. I understand we were both in bad moods that day..." Aubrey trailed off suddenly unsure of herself.

"You should be. Oh I-I mean confident. N-not sorry. L-like I-I mean about your b-bodies, I-I'm sorry, I-"

Aubrey and Chloe both smirked, seeing the affect they had on the midget.

"It's ok, you should be confident too! And Bree forgives you if you forgive her..." Chloe said.

"Uh yeah... I-I forgive you, but I still need to shower..."

"Right." Chloe said grinning. "Well see ya at auditions!" and bounced off with Aubrey behind her.

"Bye..." Beca replied softly, out of earshot.

"What are they doing to me?"  Beca sighed....


A/N and that was part one of Showers, Parties, Cheerleaders, and slushes!

Part 2 will be coming tomorrow;)

Thanks so much for reading!


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